2|Doubts About Youth ~The Telepathy Club Appears~

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"I wonder what this next episode will be about. Do you think the entire thing will be just Mob and Reigen taking down spirits?" Mina asks Kirishima as they refill on snacks. "Hmmm I'm not really sure. Though if it's all just Mob easily taking down spirit after spirit I'll be fine with that!" Kirishima says. "I hope we'll get to see more stuff with Tsubomi and Mob! They're relationship would be so cute!" Mina says while gushing about the two.

Theater room

Everyone that had left their seats sits right back at them as they prepare themselves for the second episode of Mob Psycho 100. The screen flashes white for a second signaling the beginning of an episode.


"Kageyama Shigeo, also known as Mob. A second year in middle school. The second year of middle school kicks off the most sensitive period of one's life. People call it adolescence." The screen shows Mob getting ready for school and then it cuts to Multiple students doing varying things from sports, studying, a group of students hanging out, someone taking a picture, and a group of rebellious teens as it then shows Mob watching Tsubomi again.

"Ahhh too be young again." Inko says while thinking about her time in middle school. "Mom you're still young what are you talking about?" Izuku says trying to make his Mom feel better. "You're too kind Izuku." Inko pets her sons hair.

"Mob was spending that precious time working as an assistant at a psychic business for 300 yen an hour."

"Ugh don't remind me of that terrible pay." Present Mic says as he rubs his eyes at the memory. "Young Kageyama does all the work and he receives that little? How terrible." All Might says while frowning at the extremely terrible pay.

"THE REASON IS PORN SITES!" Reigen yells out while slamming his fist on the desk.

Some of the immature members of the audience laugh at the sudden yelling and mention of porn sites.

"What is he on about now?" Aizawa grumbles.

Reigen explains that the 'curse' on the clients shoulder is a one click curse and then says that even curses are being digitized now. The client doesn't believe him as he calls it hogwash but Reigen then gets behind the client and then starts to give the client a massage and then chops his shoulder repeatedly which makes the client feel good.

 The client doesn't believe him as he calls it hogwash but Reigen then gets behind the client and then starts to give the client a massage and then chops his shoulder repeatedly which makes the client feel good

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The screen then cuts to Reigen exorcizing the curse by using another special move...



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MHA Reacts To Mob Psycho 100Where stories live. Discover now