Class 1-A is just having a normal day in the dorms after class until they're kidnap- I mean teleported into a theater where they, some of their teachers, the big 3, Eri, and one other person watch the story of a Middle School Esper and his journey...
As the audience took a break nobody said a word to each other as they think about how Ritsu and the espers from the awakening lab have been kidnapped and might be brainwashed into becoming soldiers. Some wonder if Mob and Teru can truly fight off and organization made of espers. Even if they're weaker than Mob or Teru they still have the numbers advantage by a huge amount so who's to say the duo could be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers?
As everyone gets back in their seats they prepare themselves to watch the next episode.
The screen turns on to show Claw HQ where it's revealed that the building Ritsu and the others were taken too was just the 7th division of claw and not the main hideout for Claw.
Sakurai is angered when he finds out Koyama had only grabbed Ritsu instead of grabbing both him and Mob. Another person with a scar on his face arrives as he's revealed to be named Terada as he wants to know what they were talking about and says that he won't tell the division leader about it.
"So they have multiple divisions..." Izuku writes down the information. "If this is only one division then there's a good chance Mob and Hanazawa can take them down!" Uraraka says, finding hope in this bad situation.
Terada is then shown in a car where he explains that they can't take Mob with them because he's already too strong and if he does somehow join their ranks he'd get stronger than him and he doesn't want that to happen so he decides that he'll kill Mob instead he tells the minions that are driving him not tell anyone what he plans to do. "Let's just say we're going to capture him, kthx."
"D-Did he just say kthx?" Jiro asks in shock. "I-I think he did." Sero answers. "Besides the fact he's gonna try and fail to kill Mob the fact he said kthx out loud is enough of a reason for me to hate him." Kaminari says while facepalming. "It's not cool to say that stuff out loud?" Present Mic whispers to Midnight. "No Hizashi. It's not." Midnight answers. "Uh oh." Present Mic says as he thinks about the times he's said slang to his students so he can seem 'hip'
The scene cuts to Teru planning with Mob on how they plan to fight against Claw while he also tries to drop hints so Mob could ask him for his help however, Mob doesn't understand the hints and thinks of the Body Improvement Club instead. Teru says he doesn't need to play the fool as he says that he'll join Mob against Claw since they'll come after him anyways so it'd be best if he fought them while he has a fighting chance. That fighting chance being Mob himself, Teru then explains that if Mob really gets serious about it they could easily win.
"Ah. His ego is still intact." Ojiro says.
Kenji then volunteers himself to help the two since he feels responsible for the kids getting kidnapped, Teru declines the offer for help because the next Claw member is about to find them. Kenji suggests that they hide only for Terada to barge in as he then asks which one of them is Kageyama as he calls him a 'naughty boy' Teru and Mob look at the door as they decide to ask him some questions.
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