Class 1-A is just having a normal day in the dorms after class until they're kidnap- I mean teleported into a theater where they, some of their teachers, the big 3, Eri, and one other person watch the story of a Middle School Esper and his journey...
Kirishima stretches as he yawns after waking up from a nap he took since the entire group was given a break after season one ended. "Geez about time you get up Kiri. We're gonna start season 2 in a little bit!" Mina tells Kirishima. "How long was I out for? Feels like I've been asleep for months..." Kirishima yawns again. "Yeah maybe the excitement is getting to us but a couple of us have felt like we've been waiting for this season for a while when it's only been an hour." Mina says while tapping her chin.
"Everyone get back in your seats the next episode will be starting in a minute!" Aizawa says causing everyone that was still standing to find their old seating arrangement.
"I can't wait to see what Mob and everyone else is gonna do this season! I bet they're gonna kick some more Claw butt!" Nejire says as she puts her fist in the air. "Hopefully Kageyama won't have the face anymore embarrassing moments or else I might faint..." Amajiki says. "Either way we're gonna have a lot of fun! Aren't we Eri?" Mirio says as he looks down to Eri with a smile "Yeah!" She looks back up with a smile.
"I wonder how strong the boss will be?" Uraraka wonders to herself. "It seems like his son was pretty strong since he was able to take down Ishiguro pretty easily so he might be even stronger than him." Tsuyu says. "If they were barely able to handle Ishiguro and his group I don't even want to imagine what the actual HQ is like..." Izuku shivers at the thought.
The screen brightens signaling everybody to put their attention towards the screen instead of their conversations.
The episode starts with a small recap about Spirits/Ghosts and the ones who fight every day to shine a ray of hope into the chaotic darkness who are known as Psychics.
"Please don't tell me it's a recap! We just watched the last season!" Kaminari whines. "Shut up!" Bakugo growls at Kaminari before he starts whining even more. Kirishima stays quiet as he also is worried about the fact they'll be watching a recap episode.
A farmer is shown to be talking to someone about his fields and how he saw something "out of this world." He then reveals he bought said fields for dirt cheap.
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"*Whistle* A patch of land that big and he got it pretty cheap? I'd definitely be suspicious." Present Mic says. "He must be very dedicated to his farming if he's able to take care of all his crops." All Might notes.
The farmer continues as he mentions that because fields are most vulnerable near the harvest season he came out one night to check on them only to see something dancing back and forth on the field. He then mentions that the next day all of his crops has withered away.