4|Idiots Only Event ~Kin~

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"I wonder why Mob said he was awful right before he 'exorcized' Dimple. He hasn't done anything that's really bad besides the whole sneak into a girls only school dressed as a girl but it was only cause he was hired so what could he mean?" Mina asks out loud. "Maybe it has to do with that complex thing he has?" Kirishima says also confused. "It could also have to do with his explosion's. There's a chance he hates it when his emotions show themselves like that." Yaoyarozu says trying to help answer her friends question. "Hopefully it'll be answered soon." Kaminari says feeling worried about Mob.

"I can't believe Dimple is back..." All Might says groaning into his hands. "Hopefully Mob exorcizes him right there and then." Midnight says already feeling annoyed by Dimple.


The scene shows a new school that the audience hasn't seen yet where Onigawara easily defeats a random thug as it's revealed he's the gang leader of the gang at Salt Middle School.

The scene shows a new school that the audience hasn't seen yet where Onigawara easily defeats a random thug as it's revealed he's the gang leader of the gang at Salt Middle School

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"He looks cool." Sato says while watching Onigawara beat up other gang members. "Yeah..." Kirishima says liking how the episode starts with some action.

"A gang leader in middle school? That's worrying." Aizawa mumbles to himself.

The gang members from the other school call for their 'shadow leader' Teru who easily destroys the gang from Salt Middle School as he leaves a bloody dent in the wall using Onigawara.

"Geez... that's brutal." Izuku mumbles not expecting someone to get beaten up that badly in a quirkless society.

Teru begins to speak "It had to be done. They had the nerve to stand up to me. If you show idiots like these that you're out of their league, they'll suddenly bow down to you, like completely different people. Just like you guys." Teru begins thinking to himself "Not to mention, it's not a bad idea having these guys indebted to me. Be it power or people... I'm going to take advantage of everything I can. After all, I'm the main character in this world."

"Geez and here I thought Reigen had main character syndrome. This guy is like twenty times worse!" Jiro says.

"I wonder if Mob'll have to rumble with this guy in the future?" Kirishima says thinking about a potential real battle between two psychics.

"That's really worrying that a middle schooler has that kind of mindset." Aizawa says to his fellow teachers. "I agree it's definitely not a healthy mindset to have." All Might agrees.

Bakugo flinches after hearing Teru's speech as it was something similar to what he most likely would've said in middle school where he practically ran the school and never would get in trouble for bullying Izuku.

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