15|One Danger After Another ~Degeneration~

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"That has to be one of the worst looking websites I've ever seen in my life!" Kaminari laughs. "It's already giving me a headache just thinking about it again. So many flashing colors and random links." Jiro says while rubbing her head. "I feel like if you just clicked into a website like that you'd get like 30 different viruses." Sero jokes. "I'm surprised Reigen even knew how to make a website." Sato says.

"You can really tell he made it without having anybody give him any criticism." Midnight says. "I'd be surprised if he even showed it to anybody before he finished it." Aizawa says. "Now now it isn't that bad..." All Might says, trying to stick up for Reigen. "All Might you don't gotta defend Reigen, he made a stupid looking website." Present Mic says. What he doesn't know however is that both Midnight and Aizawa are thinking about how he would most likely make a similar website. "Maybe we should teach the students how to make a website for their agencies so they don't make one like this." Nezu thinks out loud.

"It certainly is quite... colorful." Yaoyarozu says. "You don't have to find a silver lining in this Yaoyarozu." Ojiro tells her. "Yeah Reigen just has bad taste in website design." Hagakure agrees. "I guess you two are right..." Yaoyarozu sighs.

As the conversations end the screen lights up once again signaling the next episode's beginning.


The episode begins with it being revealed that the Spirts and Such Consultation Office's website has actually gotten a decent amount of attention from people.

"Seems like his business is actually decently popular, who would've guessed?" Inko says. "It makes sense since they've had a one hundred percent success rate even if it usually is because of Kageyama." Iida says. "Plus if you compare his prices to other exorcists or psychics he's very affordable, Shinra started at 200,000 yen and I wouldn't be surprised if any of those other psychics cost just as much." Todoroki says. "I guess that makes sense." Inko laughs a tiny bit.

In the next scene Reigen is shown to be talking to a client who really wants to curse someone even though Reigen says over and over again that he won't do it no matter how matter how bad the client wants it, that is until the client begins to get angry is about to get violent and not wanting for a fight to break out Reigen says he'll accept the clients job in cursing someone.

"He must really hate that guy if he's willing to fight someone just so they can curse them." Uraraka says. "I wonder why he wants to curse him?" Izuku says.

"I'm glad Reigen didn't immediately accept the job to curse that guy even if he can't." Present Mic says. "Reigen doesn't seem like the type of person that would go around cursing people for money since at worst he's treated his clients like idiots since they don't believe in him." Midnight says. "I do wonder what he's going to do so he can "curse" that person." Aizawa says.

Reigen pulls out a bookmark and takes a deep breath as he writes down something on the bookmark making sure the client doesn't see it, when he finishes the writing he gives the client the bookmark with the word curse written on it. The client accepts it but is somewhat skeptical as he tells Reigen that if he's lying or it doesn't work he'll find someone that'll curse Reigen for real.

"Jeez this guy gives me the creeps." Jiro says. "I know what ya mean." Sato says as he shivers. "What a coward! If he's willing to fight that con man just for not cursing someone then he might as well just fight that dumbass he wants to curse so bad!" Bakugo yells. "I don't think either options are any good." Kirishima says.

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