24| The Battle for Social Rehabilitation ~Friendship~

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"Seems like we're in the endgame now." All Might says. "Yeah, the only person that could get in Kageyama's way is Serizawa, but we don't know how strong he truly is, so we don't know if he'll be any danger to him or not." Aizawa says. "He seems to have a very close bond with Suzuki, so it's possible he could be just as strong or even stronger than Shimazaki." Midnight says. "I wonder if that umbrella of his is required for his powers or not? He always has it with him no matter where he goes so it's make sense if he can't use them on his own." Present Mic says. "Hard to know since like you said, he always has that umbrella with him. Hopefully Kageyama will be able to defeat him quickly and save or help Sho." Aizawa says.

"Dude y'know what I just remembered?" Kaminari asks Kirishima. "What?" Kirishima is confused by the sudden question. "They kidnapped the prime minister! I totally forgot they did that!" Kaminari says as Kirishima also realizes that. "Ohhhhh! They did kidnap him didn't they! I forgot as well!" Kirishima says. "Yeah same here, they didn't really talk about it much so it makes sense we forgot about it." Sero says. "Yeah you'd think kidnapping the Prime Minister would be a huge deal but I guess not for these guys." Mina says.

"I hope nothing bad happens to Sho or Kageyama..." Inko says, already feeling faint at the idea of two middle schoolers fighting an esper who claims to have the "ultimate power." | "I'm sure they'll be fine Mom, Kageyama is super strong and Sho is strong as well! I'm sure if they team up they'll take down the boss... I hope." Izuku whispers the last part to himself as to not worry his mother.

The screen then once again lit up as a way to signal everyone to cease their rambling so that they wouldn't miss out on any details for this next episode.


The episode starts with Mob walking up the stairs as Dimple asks him if he's not scared to do this on his own, Mob then answers him by telling him that of course he's scared, but the idea of anybody else getting hurt scares him even more and that he'll figure out something. Dimple worries about how fast his plans are unraveling since even though Mob's still a kid and is being somewhat taken advantage of by Dimple he's still quickly growing into an adult.

"What a great start, Dimples plans are going right down the drain!" Sero says. "Hopefully this means that he'll stop trying to take advantage of Mob or take over the world." Kirishima says. "I don't think he'll give up just because Kageyama is growing up quickly. I wouldn't be surprised if he moves on to find another strong esper to try and take him down so that nobody will stand in his way." Yaoyorozu says, which worries the other students.

Dimple's worries are quickly cut short as the two's ascension of the stairs is interrupted by Serizawa who realizes how young Mob truly is by saying that he's a middle schooler as he then asks Mob to leave the building.

"Never mind on the good start..." Sero quickly retracts his earlier statement. "It's time for Kageyama to face the only obstacle left between him and the boss of Claw!" Sato says. "Hopefully he's able to blast right past him. Sho's probably getting his ass kicked up right there as the two talk." Jiro says, worrying about Sho. "Since Serizawa seems to be a right hand man of sorts for Claw's boss I wouldn't be surprised if he's even stronger than Shimazaki..." Yaoyorozu theorizes. "Stronger than Shimazaki?! Oh man where's Reigen when you need him?" Kaminari half jokes. "He's just outside of the building?" Todoroki states, confused by Kaminari's question but the statement makes the group who were just talking minus Yaoyorozu laugh.

"Not good, Kageyama already has to face off against Serizawa." Aizawa says. "His best chance of getting up to Suzuki before he kills Sho is if he goes all out from the beginning and goes for the K.O." Present Mic says. "That is if he even wants to fight him, Young Kageyama might want to talk things through like he always does against a foe." All Might says. "Well hopefully if he does talk to him he'll actually get through to him, it seems like Serizawa has been brainwashed into believing that Suzuki actually trusts and cares for him." Midnight says, as the other teachers nod their heads in agreement.

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