32|Transmission 1 ~Winter Break~

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The Audience separated after the ending of the previous episode, not only because of the mix of emotions they had all felt after the ending, but mostly in respect to Mob. The moment the episode had ended he had went off on his own to the concessions area, nobody really knew how to comfort Mob on the situation as none of them had been in this kind of situation before.

I mean how do you comfort someone after they find out their friend had taken over their entire city via brainwashing and then pretended to be you as he took over your friend and families minds, only to then have a change of heart after the two were actually able to talk to each other, and then after that's said and done he sacrifices his life for you and then saves you from the trauma of losing a friend forever by erasing the memories of what happened to them? It was a complicated issue to deal with, even for the teachers.

Izuku decided to try and check up on Mob, as he saw that nobody else was doing it, only to realize he was also being followed by Uraraka for some reason. However when the two enter the room they see Mob with slightly stained red eyes drinking some soda as if nothing even happened.

"Um... Hey Kageyama? Is everything alright?" Izuku asked Mob. "Hm? Oh, Midoriya senpai, Uraraka senpai. I'm feeling fine now, I just needed some time to myself to calm down. The entire time I was watching those episodes about Dimple I was so confused on why he was doing all of that, but more than anything I was angry at myself that I didn't do anything to help him until it was already too late. But now that I got to hear his reasoning for why he did what he did, I feel a bit better."

The two sighed in relief as they had worried that Mob would be out of commission for the rest of the season, but thankfully he seemed a bit more hopeful than he was earlier. "That's good to hear, but let any one of us know if something's wrong, ok? We're still technically you're seniors and we care about you Mob." Uraraka tells Mob as he nods his head in agreement. "Of course, thank you both for checking on me. It really does mean a lot that you and the others care about me so much, even if we've only known each other for a few hours." Mob smiles.

"Of course! Though in all honesty it feels like we've known you for way longer, something like three years maybe?" Izuku wondered to himself why it felt like he knew Mob for so long, yet he couldn't find a single answer to his question. Ah well, it probably wasn't that important of an answer in the first place.

"I'll come back into the main area with the others in a few moments. You two don't have to worry about me." Mob told the two as they both exchanged a look and nodded at Mob's words and went back to the seating area.

As the two returned to the main cinema area, the remaining members that hadn't left to go use the restroom looked back at the two teenagers with expectant eyes while also trying to look behind them to see if Mob was following them out of the concessions area. "He said he just needed some time to himself." Izuku explains to the group. "He also said he'd be back in a few moments, so I think it'd be best if nobody tried to bother him while he's in there." Uraraka explains.

"What if I wanted some more popcorn?" Mineta whispered to himself only to get smacked on the face by Shoji. "Be more respectful of other's problems for once." He chastises him. Mineta grumbles to himself as he just sits back down at his seat with an empty drink only filled with ice and only kernels left only to remind him of the delicious popcorn he finished eating earlier. He thought about asking Todoroki to use his fire to attempt to pop the last few final kernels, but he shot his own idea down as he knew Aizawa wouldn't let the two of them do such a stunt.

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