23|Guidance ~Psychic Sensor~

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The audience all get up from their seats and either head to the bathroom, get more food, or just stretch as this will be their final break for season 2 and don't want to miss any part of the excitement by having to use their bathroom or get more food.

"Dude that fight between Dimple and Shibata was so cool! It was pretty much exactly like a sumo match you'd watch on TV!" Kaminari tells both Sero and Kirishima. "While I do wish that Musashi actually overpowered Shibata with his own strength, I think that it's still pretty manly that we got to really see that hard work is better than using powers to make yourself seem strong." Kirishima says, as unbeknownst to the three of them someone was listening to their conversation.

"It's a very good lesson to learn young heroes!" The sudden voice startled the three as they turn around and see All Might. "All Might! You heard our conversation?" Sero asks him. "I only heard the last part but yes I heard it, and I think that lesson is very important to learn if you want to become a powerful hero. If you rely too much on your quirk then there'll come a day where you might fight someone with a better quirk, or aren't able to use your quirk in a fight you'll be quickly defeated and killed by a villain. You think I only relied on my strength in a fight?" All Might asks the three.

"Yeah." They all say which makes All Might stumble back in surprise. "W-Well you three are wrong, of course my quirk was very powerful and helpful in a fight, the training I received helped me way more than my quirk ever could. I was able to sharpen my reflexes to a point so that I could catch objects or even people if they flew much faster than any person could realize." All Might tells them as they all continue listening. "So make sure to not only train your quirks but also yourselves alongside them." All Might walks away from them as he heads back to his seat. "Man... even when he's not kicking butt he's cool." Kirishima says as the others agree with him.

After that conversation they and everyone else head back to their seats and prepare to watch the last 3 episodes of Mob Psycho 100 season 2 as the screen lights up.


The episode starts by showing that Teru's half of the Anti-Claw group has been able to take down all of the scars that captured them in the last episode. Teru thanks Takeuchi for his help against the scars as they all then turn their attention towards Terada who says that he only pretended to betray them so that they could pull off a surprise attack.

Teru then has one of the Shiratori brothers use their powers to see if he's lying where it's revealed that he hasn't betrayed them...yet.

"I feel like Terada is the kind of guy to go for whatever team is winning, even if he doesn't agree with what they're doing." Jiro says. "Oh definitely, guy is all around super sketchy." Kirishima says. "I feel like out of all the ex-scar members he's definitely the only one that doesn't want to be a part of regular society but doesn't want to be with Claw." Mina says.

The group then talk about their plans next step where they decide to fight since they don't really have any other option except to fight.

After the opening ends Suzuki is then shown once again watching over the city as it's shown that Shimazaki has already defeated the other half of the Anti-Claw group, Suzuki then notices that Sho has arrived in front of the cultural tower.

"As much as I wish it wouldn't happen, it makes sense that Shimazaki was able to defeat all of them since Shibata was only truly defeated by real muscles that were used at their full power and then to top it off was then smashed into the ground by Kageyama." Iida says sadly. "Hopefully the other half of the group and Sho's group are able to meet up and stop Shimazaki, or else they'll never be able to bring down Claw." Izuku says. "Don't forget that Kageyama is awake now as well, he'll definitely be able to help take down the Ultimate 5 as well." Todoroki says.

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