27|Yokai Hunter Amakusa Haruaki Appears! ~The Threat of a Hundred Demons!!~

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The moment the episode ended the entire audience were shocked still, they had thought that Dimple forgot about his dream of becoming God and taking over the world. But clearly the moment he was reminded of it he restarted his plans!

"He's seriously still going on about that?! What the hell is wrong with him?!" Bakugo shouted in outrage at the fact that after everything he and the others had gone through together he'd still try to betray them all just for his insane dream. "You've gotta be kidding me! Is he really that insane that he'd try taking over the world again?!" Present Mic shouted, in disbelief.

While the rest of the audience was shouting about how much they were angered by Dimple's actions, only two people noticed Mob's reaction to the information. For some reason unknown to both Eri and Aizawa, Mob was kneeling as he held his head, almost as if he was in pain for some reason? "Kageyama, are you ok?" Aizawa asked him as he put his hand on the boys shoulder. "I think so? It feels like my head is trying to make me remember something, but I don't know what it is..." He says as he takes a deep breath and sits back in his seat with Eri moving from the seat she was in with Tamaki to Mob's seat.

"Eri? Is something wrong?" Mob asked her as she sat down his leg. "I wanna stay with you!" She said while slightly pouting. Mob understood what she really meant due to his little brother doing something similar whenever something wrong happened to him in the past, even now he does something similar. "Ok, thank you." He slightly pat Eri on the head as a way to thank her for worrying about him.

"Maybe we should take a break? It seems like everyone is quite riled up, plus I'm worried about how Young Kageyama is taking this information." All Might tried to tell the audience, but they were too busy shouting over him to actually hear him. "Kageyama, cover Eri's ears." Aizawa told Mob as he did so without question as he didn't want to anger the man.

"ALL OF YOU BE QUIET!!!" Aizawa shouted at the top of his lungs, immediately sending a shiver down the first year students spines as they sat straight and stopped talking. "One of your teachers were speaking, and all of you were too busy shouting your heads off to even hear him, I've seen you all do better so there's no reason for you to not quiet down and act responsible! So, for the rest of the time we're here I want you all to be quiet and behave! I will still allow you all to talk amongst yourselves, but only at a volume that allows us to still hear what's happening on the screen. Do you understand me?!" Aizawa shouted once again.

"Yes Sensei!" The entire class shouted at the same time as they went back to their silence as the screen lit up again. "Seems like we won't be allowed to have that break, sorry Kageyama." Midnight apologized to Mob, who just nods his head.


"Believe it or not, the world is filled with strange phenomena that science is yet to explain. And when people come face to face with them, they are helplessly thrown into the dark depths of fear. But there are those who fight every day to shine a ray of hope into that chaotic darkness."

"Isn't this the intro we get for every season? Why are they showing it again?" Izuku asked. "That's a good question, it doesn't make sense to show it again..." Iida agree with Izuku. "I'm sure there's a reason for it." Yaoyorozu says as they return to watching the show.

"People call them... YOKAI HUNTERS!"

Mob mentally sighs as he remembers this job and the client Reigen, Serizawa, and him had to work with. "Yokai Hunters?? Kageyama are these guys serious?" Present Mic asked him. "Some are yes, I'm not too knowledgeable about the topic, but Serizawa is." He explained with a slight frown as he then also remembered the man trying to recruit him and Serizawa just because of their powers.

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