Class 1-A is just having a normal day in the dorms after class until they're kidnap- I mean teleported into a theater where they, some of their teachers, the big 3, Eri, and one other person watch the story of a Middle School Esper and his journey...
"Ok so is it just me or does Mob's little brother act weird around him? Like he always tells Mob to talk to him if somethings wrong instead of like talking to him about anything else." Kirishima asks. "Now that I think about it you're right he has been acting weird. Plus in that last episode it turns out Mob used that question mark percentage on those high schoolers and Ritsu." Kaminari agrees. "From the way he reacted to the news about Black Vinegar's destruction he's definitely still afraid of what happened, so there's a possibility he could be making it where Kageyama doesn't explode like that again." Izuku presents a hypothesis about Ritsu. "Hopefully we receive an answer about that soon." Iida agrees with Izuku.
The screen lights up to show a flashback to when Mob showed Ritsu his powers when they were little kids. Ritsu asks his brother if he'll be able to do this too Mob says of course he'll be able to since he's his little brother.
Some of the audience look at the brothers with smiles on their faces due to how cute they were while Izuku looked at the screen with a bit of sadness as he remembered how he thought he would get a quirk since both of his parents had quirks as well only for that dream to be shattered.
Ritsu then wakes up covered in sweat as he goes downstairs and drinks a cup of water, but when he sees the running water he tries to use Psychic Powers like Mob only for them not to work at all.
"How sad." Yaoyarozu says feeling bad that Ritsu still tries to use psychic powers.
All Might feels a pit in his non-existent stomach grow as he's reminded of how he treated Izuku the day he met him and how he told him to give up on his dreams only because he was quirkless. He wished that he could go back in time and tell his past self how much of a fool he was for saying that to a kid especially one that looked up to him so much.
After the opening the scene cuts to the Spirits and Such Consultation Office where Reigen is shown to be doing a seance for a client named Hitoshi.
"Ribbit. How does he expect to pull this off?" Tsu says, confused about how Reigen'll pull off a seance.
Hitoshi asks his 'dad' how he knows English so well only for Reigen to 'log out' and then explain that he's able to translate other languages into Japanese however Hitoshi says he's ok with English as Reigen begins talking again in Japanese this time with an accent to make it sound more like an American speaking Japanese.
"Something seems suspicious about this client." Nezu says "He's definitely not telling the full truth about why he wanted to to do a seance. Especially why he's in Japan for a one when he most likely still lives in America." Aizawa says, also finding Hitoshi suspicious.
Hitoshi then asks his 'dad' to do the thing he used to do when he was a kid as Reigen stands up and then spins and does a pose from a popular show from years ago called "Junk Food Fighter Michael"
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