18| Poor, Lonely, Whitey

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After finishing episode 5 the audience as a whole had nothing to say, they were all emotionally drained after watching Mob get bullied mercilessly, nearly kill his bullies, come back from the darkness to fight Mogami, him nearly dying, and then finally seeing Mob save Minori and then see her cry her as eyes out while apologizing. They all unanimously decided to take a break for about an hour for multiple reasons, one because they hadn't had a break yet this entire season, two because like it's was mentioned earlier the last two episodes had been very taxing emotionally speaking, and three well... a lot of people were running out of snacks including Nezu who needed some actually warm tea since he's been drinking the same cold tea for the last 5 episodes...extremely tiny sips I guess...

Izuku having somewhat relived his middle school bullying went into the bathroom so he could cool himself off and try to not think about it too much.

Izuku splashes some cold water on his face and takes a deep breath in and out. "Things are different now, those people won't hurt me anymore, these people- my friends won't hurt me like that!" Izuku thinks to himself. "Hey Midoriya? You ok?" Izuku whips his head to the entrance of the bathroom and sees Mirio standing there with a worried frown on. "T-Togata senpai! I'm fine! sorry if I worried you it's just that watching Kageyama go through all that stuff and nearly dying freaked me out a bit that's all!" Izuku lies.

Mirio raises his eyebrow at Izuku's lie, having a gut feeling that he's lying but he knows it's not best to push him on it so all he does is walk over and pat him on the shoulder. "Well ok then, if you have anything you wanna talk about with me I'll have an open ear waiting for ya!" Mirio shakes Izuku's shoulder as if he were his big brother. "I will. Thank you." Izuku thanks him as the two smile at one another as Mirio then leaves the bathroom.

After the two talked everyone settled back into their seats ready for next episodes while also hoping that they wouldn't lead them to the same amount of dread episode 4 and 5 did.

"What do you think will happen this time?" Uraraka asks. "Hopefully a nice relaxing episode, those last two stressed me out too much..." Inko sighs. "I have to agree... though I wouldn't mind seeing what that ex-member of Claw is planning on doing now since he apparently is "legit" now." Izuku says. "Ugh no way man! More stuff about Claw is gonna be even more stressful since then we'll have remember that they're coming after Mob!" Kaminari yells. "You just reminded us yourself idiot!" Jiro chides Kaminari.

The lights turn on signaling the beginning of Episode 6: Poor, Lonely, Whitey.


The episode begins with a flashback to 4 years ago where Reigen is shown to be quitting his job at a telemarketing business where they were selling water dispensers. The scene cuts to an empty office space with Reigen in the middle of it, he then tells the man selling the office that he'll take it meaning that this office is the Spirits & Such Consultation Office.

The scene cuts again this time to the inside of Reigen's apartment where he looks at a magazine advertising multiple job offerings as he then thinks to himself  how he rented out the place without having anything lined up for his business, the scene then ends as he looks once again at the magazine and this time his attention falls to an advertisement for a power stone necklace that'll make him a millionaire.

"Is this episode going to be about why Reigen opened his business?" Midnight questions. "I hope so, I mean starting a business as a self proclaimed psychic where you exorcise spirits probably aren't most peoples first idea for a business." Present Mic jokes. "I'm just hoping this means that this episode won't be very stressful..." All Might sighs.

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