Class 1-A is just having a normal day in the dorms after class until they're kidnap- I mean teleported into a theater where they, some of their teachers, the big 3, Eri, and one other person watch the story of a Middle School Esper and his journey...
The students and teachers talk amongst themselves as they theorize what the other members of Claw might be able to do.
"We already know that Terada had those Air Whips and Koyama has his Telekinetic Helix. So what else could those Scar guys do?" Uraraka asks. Izuku flips through his pages based on the Scar members "Don't forget that there the one guy that can make people see illusions that are extremely life like." Izuku reminds Uraraka. "That still leaves us with the other 5 scars though." Tsu reminds the group. "We can only assume that the man named Sakurai mainly uses that sword of his since we saw him move it around using his powers when he kidnapped the espers from the awakening lab." Iida says. "There's also a chance that the woman named Tsuchiya is based on hand to hand combat if you look at the way she's dressed." Todoroki points out.
"I feel like if the guy with illusions fights Mob he'd only make things worse on himself since he'd probably make Mob explode or worse go into that question mark mode." Kirishima says. "Speaking of that question mark form doesn't it look super familiar? Like we've already seen it before he used it against Hanazawa?" Sero questions. "Yeah your right it does seem kinda familiar but I can't remember where I've seen it before." Kaminari tries to remember where he might've seen Mob's ??? form yet he sadly comes up with nothing. Jiro however remembers it after thinking about it for a second. "Oh! The first episode!" Jiro exclaims which confuses those around her. "Don't you remember the intro from the first episode where that weird figure fought all those spirits?! It looked almost exactly like Mob's question mark form!" She explains which shocks everyone her as they realize that the two do have a striking resemblance.
"Is it possible the two could be linked somehow?" Yaoyarozu questions. "They have to be. Why else would we be shown that figure if they had no part in the story?" Ojiro points out. "Yeah but that still doesn't explain why the two of them look so similar. Could the figure be Mob's ancestor or something?" Hagakure questions. "It could possibly be the near future as well since the figure was shown to be possibly wearing the same uniform as Mob and they seem to be around the same height." Shoji theorizes.
While then class continues theorizing the screen lights up which shuts everyone up as the episode begins.
The episode begins with Mob's group splitting up as the 7th Division's leader Ishiguro announces to the awakened members of the 7th Division that they have three intruders that defeated Terada and Koyama. Ishiguro then says that the awakened should go after them and show them the true power of Claw though in their mind Ishiguro doubts they could do anything against them.
"Yeah the one who they might have a slight chance at beating is probably Dimple since he's extremely weakened from nearly dying twice." Jiro says. "Yeah the ones that might give them trouble are the Scars and even then they'd probably all lose to Hanazawa or Mob." Sero says.
The scene cuts to a room where some of the Claw lackeys are hanging around at as they keep an eye on the youngest Shiratori brother Kaito.
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