31|Divine Tree 3 ~Dimple Is~

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"Come on! That's where the episode left off at?! Showing that ugly shirt?!" Mina shouts. "I must admit, it's quite strange to go from the emotional highs we were just at to now being reminded of that Monkey Shirt he and Hanazawa bought..." Momo sighs. "I mean I guess we did need a bit of a break from the crazy emotions, I mean I've never liked Dimple much, but even all this has got me feeling a bit emotional." Ojiro wipes away at his eyes expecting some possible stray tears, but feeling nothing but his eyes.

"I forgot Kageyama was wearing that shirt in all honesty..." Izuku admits to the group around him. "I could never forget anyone wearing such a fashion war crime... even if I wanted too..." Aoyama fake sheds a tear that nobody pays attention to. "I really wish that blast didn't destroy his jacket, or at the very least made the entire place filled with smoke so we couldn't see it either." Tsuyu says. "Now that is enough! While I may not approve of the choice to wear that shirt I will not allow you or anyone else judge Kageyama for his choice in clothes! He is our friend and we have no right to judge his taste in clothing!" Iida judges those around him for making fun of Mob's shirt.

"You're right... Sorry Mob." Mina apologizes while waving to Mob. "I must apologize as well, Kageyama. I did not take into consideration about how you feel about the shirt and that is my fault. Please accept my apology." Momo says as she bows her head towards Mob. The others who also joined in on joking about Mob's shirt or just didn't like it in the slightest also apologized to Mob... who wasn't paying attention to what they were saying. "Huh? Oh it's fine, I understand that not everyone likes my shirt." Mob says as he looks back at the screen.

"He let that go super quickly..." Kaminari whispered to the others near him. "It's for the best, I wouldn't be too happy if Mob was pissed at us for trashing his shirt for the rest of the time he's here..." Kirishima says as the screen lights up, basically telling them to end the eir conversation and turn their attention back to the screen.


The episode begins back when Teru and Mob bought the monkey shirt as Teru compliments him and tells him how everyone will be shocked by just how fashionable he is.

"They'll be shocked by something for sure..." Aoyama begrudgingly thought to himself.

The scene cuts to when Mob was leaving home to go and see Tome and then Mezato where Ritsu rejects his offer of borrowing the shirt sometime. The scene cuts again to Reigen where he tells Mob to keep his jacket on as it has "more defense points." Mob's POV of when he believed he was finally becoming popular is shown.

Multiple moments from the past few episodes are shown as Mob is reflecting on everything that's happened ever since he last talked to Tsubomi as we're back in the present with Dimple and Mob where Dimple is completely shocked by the shirts design and begins to question Mob on why he's even wearing it in the first place.

His ideas go from worrying about Mob, to asking if he got it on a sale for dirt cheap, or if he just had a shit taste in clothes. Before he can even finish his sentence, Mob's energy explodes as Dimple wonders if he's going to attack him. The energy shoots through the top of the Divine Tree as it forms something that looks similar to a tree with no leaves.

When the energy disappears, Dimple lets out a sigh of relief as he thought Mob was about to blow, he then walks up to Mob as he asks him if he thought people would really like that lame shirt, Mob looks up at him with a look that sends a scares him as he believes he's going to attack now and creates a "Godly Barrier."

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