Chapter 1

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And now it's Legends time and like the other Second Chances stories, it will be different from my previous Legends stories.

Sara Lance was very surprised when she woke up not at the dawn of time, but in a very comfortable bed and in very familiar arms as she rolled over to see herself lying with Ava, and even though she had no idea how she'd gotten here or how any of this had happened, she was just happy that she had Ava back and they were together. That was all that mattered to her right now. Especially since she needed a distraction from the death of her oldest friend.

"Hey, are you okay?" Ava's voice said, drawing her out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry, just lost in thoughts. I didn't mean to wake you." Sara said and Ava smiled.

"I felt you turnover in my arms and you know I'm just as light a sleeper as you are." Ava said as they kissed.

"I'm just glad to be with you." Sara said.

"Since when are you so sappy?" Ava asked her.

"Long story." Sara said.

"Well, as much as I'd love to hear it, I need to get ready for work. You need to make sure that you stay here so that the League doesn't find you." Ava said, confusing Sara, but before she could ask what the hell Ava was talking about, her girlfriend had gotten out of bed and headed into the bathroom.

"Okay, what is going on?" Sara asked as she looked around and finally realized this was not their room on the Waverider, though she guessed her relief at seeing Ava alive had overshadowed that. Instead, she found that this was a bedroom in some kind of apartment, but she didn't know what the hell was going on.

"Confused?" A new voice asked and Sara gritted her teeth as Novu appeared in the room.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Sara asked.

"Relax, I am simply here to provide you with answers to your questions. This is the new universe you helped Oliver Queen create at the dawn of time." Novu said.

"Okay, that explains how all this exists, but it doesn't explain a lot else." Sara said.

"This is where your counterpart from this world, who you've replaced, was living at this point in time." Novu said.

"And what exactly is this point in time?" Sara asked.

"The year 2012. The day Oliver Queen returns home from Lian Yu and yes, he is still alive and like you, he remembers the world the way it once was." Novu said and Sara actually felt a weight be lifted off her shoulders.

"So, is there any other reason you're here?" Sara asked.

"I'm also here to give you the memories of your counterpart from this reality to answer the rest of your questions." Novu said and Sara nodded as he waved his hand to give her the memories.

"Thank you, now get lost." Sara said as Novu chuckled before he disappeared, leaving Sara to go through her new memories.

A majority of her life was the same until the Gambit. Mainly because she was not on it. In this universe, she'd never tried to seduce Oliver, letting her sister have Oliver to herself, which was a relief since it meant that Laurel wouldn't hate her. Unfortunately, Laurel had gone on the Gambit in her place and had been lost then. After she thought her sister had died, Sara had decided to take a trip on cruise to try and take her mind off things before going back to school. Sadly, it seemed like fate still wanted her to suffer, since the cruise she'd been on had been boarded by Anthony Ivo's crew and she'd still ended up being one of his prisoners. From there, things were relatively the same, except for meeting back up with Oliver and Laurel on Lian Yu, though once again, they were separated trying to stop Slade by sinking the Amazo. After that, Sara had once again found her way to the League of Assassins, but this time, she hadn't stayed for longer than 2 years. When she'd been sent on a mission to Fresno to take out a target, something had happened then that hadn't happened before. She'd met Ava, who in this reality, was not a clone, but was a real person who actually had the life she thought she'd have, and at seeing Ava, Sara had decided that she was done with the League, so she'd faked her death and she and Ava had gone into hiding in Hope Springs and had been together ever since. But now that Sara remembered that her fighting skills were far beyond Ra's and knowing that she needed to see Oliver and her sister and father alive again, she knew then and there that she needed to go home without having to look over her shoulder. And honestly, she was pretty sure that Ra's knew where she was somehow.

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