Chapter 22

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"So, exactly did you get them out of Iron Heights and unconscious like this?" Nora asked, since she, Ray, Jax and Behrad were the only Legends still on the ship, though Jax and Behrad were currently the ones dragging an unconscious Mick and Snart from the truck they'd been using for the transfer to the Waverider's medbay.

"I called Lyla and asked her to arrange a fake prisoner transfer. But I think that Jax and Behrad could use a little help lugging Mick and Snart to the medbay and while I'd do it, your help would be faster." Ray said and Nora nodded.

"Alright boys, let me take it from here." Nora said as Jax and Behrad both looked relieved by the thought of that.

"Thank you. Man, I forgot how heavy this dude is." Jax said as he dropped Mick on the ground as Behrad did the same with Snart.

"How do you know how heavy he is?" Nora asked.

"Because I've had to lug Mick's unconscious drunk body back to the ship more than once." Jax said and Nora nodded as she muttered a quick spell to levitate Snart and Rory to the medbay.

"Thank you." Behrad said, since while he'd never met Snart before now, even in the original timeline, he knew enough about him.

"My pleasure. So, who wants to wake them up?" Nora asked.

"Maybe you should do it, since you're the one who's least likely to get killed after the memory dump, primarily because you can use your magic to protect yourself." Ray said nervously and Nora rolled her eyes at him, though she couldn't blame him considering her own experience with Mick and what she'd heard about Snart.

"Perhaps now would be the best time to restore their memories." Gideon suggested.

"Gideon, are you sure they're restrained?" Ray asked.

"Yes they are." Gideon said.

"Then let's do it." Ray said and Nora rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's cowardice.

Mick growled as he woke up with a killer headache after his memories were restored.

"You'd think I'd be used to a hangover by now." Mick growled as he realized he was restrained as the memories of his old life came back to him.

"Yeah, that's no ordinary hangover there Mick. Sorry about the whole tranquing you thing, but considering how you get, can you blame us for being cautious?" Ray asked as Mick remembered him.

"Not really Haircut. But you can take them off now, I'm not gonna kill you. But where's the captain and I'm not talking about that stupid englishman." Mick groaned as Ray removed his restraints.

"Well, you'll be happy to hear that right now Rip is still rotting in Time Master Prison, since the whole reason the team was assembled now without him is to break him out, though Sara gave us the night off, mainly because she wanted to introduce Ava to her dad and sister, since Laurel's still alive in this reality." Ray said.

"So Sara got her sister back." Mick said and Ray nodded.

"And she's not the only one who got someone she cared about back. Look to your right." Ray said with a smile as Mick turned to see Snart lying in the cot, still unconscious.

"Someone else is gonna blow up the time bastards this time, not him." Mick said, since while he'd gotten closure with Snart's death before and had accepted both his place on the team and his life without Snart, he wouldn't deny that he did feel some form of relief at seeing his old partner alive again.

"Actually, I'm working on developing something to ensure that no one has to blow up with the Time masters this time around. But you're gonna have a lot to bring him up to speed on. Rebecca." Ray said with a chuckle and Mick glared.

"Anyone tells him about that and they fry." Mick said and Ray nodded.

"You'll have to convince Sara and Ava not to do that, since they're not afraid of you and they'll find Snart's reaction hilarious." Ray said and Mick nodded.

"Fair point. But have you mind roofied him yet?" Mick asked.

"Yeah, but we wanted to wait till you woke up to explain everything to him, especially since from what Lyla told us, his sister wants to kill him in this reality." Ray said.

"Yeah, he is not going to react well to what the him of this world did to his sister, since for all his faults the man has many, including a tendency for long annoying speeches, but he always cared about his little sister. Though Lisa did turn on us in this reality, but still." Mick said.

"It sounds like she was getting a better life for herself away from the criminal life." Ray said.

"Yeah, but you know Snart when his ego's hurt. He's like me, only less violent and smarter about it." Mick said and Ray nodded.

"Wonder if he'll ever be able to get Lisa to forgive him, since I know Team Flash has voted against Lisa getting her mind restored under threat of freezing to death, since this world's Lisa is in a relationship with Frost, who has her own body in this world instead of sharing one with Caitlin." Ray said, since Cisco had brought him up to speed on all that stuff.

"Wow, this world is messed up." Mick said.

"I agree, but there are perks to it, since a lot of people who were dead are alive again. Carter, Snart, Laurel, Sara's dad, Professor Stein and a lot of others." Ray said.

"But the Englishman is still alive too. Not sure if that's a good thing." Mick said and Ray rolled his eyes at that, though he couldn't deny that he somewhat shared Mick's opinion, since Rip had an ass to them in the past.

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