Chapter 17

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First off, congrats to Caity Lotz on her engagement, I'm sure she'll be very happy, though I hope her future husband doesn't mind that technically, she's also married to Jes Macallen if you know what I mean and yes, I'm joking about that.

Also, and this is just a theory, but maybe they'll wrap up Legends in the comics, since it's my understanding that they already started expanding on Booster Gold in the comics. Who says that they can't do that for the rest of the Legends too? Anyways, now on with the story.

"Damn, I think this place is better than the old bunker. Or even the new version of it Felicity built after Ricardo Diaz blew up the original one." Sara said as she and Quentin followed Laurel into what could technically be considered Bunker 3.0.

"Okay, I'm going to file that information away for later, but yeah, one of the reasons why we bought this place is because the previous owner was one of those doomsday preppers, it ran in their family. They spent hundreds of dollars building what was essentially going to be their retreat for when the doomsday button got pushed, which, now that I think about it, happens at least once a year in Star City, so they weren't entirely wrong." Laurel said and Quentin chuckled.

"Fair point. Though I seem to remember you and your boyfriend always being ready to stop it." Quentin said.

"Yeah, more Ollie than me though. But anyways, I didn't just bring you down here to show you the new bunker, I brought you down here because I have something for Sara. Consider it both a welcome home and a going away present." Laurel said as she went over to a desk and picked up a small case and brought it over to Sara, who opened it and was surprised to find a ring with what looked like some kind of bird on it.

"A ring?" Sara asked.

"Compliments of Cisco. I have one too and so does the rest of Team Arrow. The latest in super suit storage and transportation." Laurel said with a smile as Sara took the ring out and slid it on her hand and grinned as she felt her suit materialize around her, though she was surprised when she felt a mask appear on her face too.

"Sorry, but from what I heard, you did some fighting in the public eye without a mask here in the present and I'm not risking anyone recognizing you. You might not need a mask when you're in other time periods, but in this one, well people will recognize you as Sara Lance, which means that it could draw connections to me and Ollie and the rest of Team Arrow." Laurel said.

"Got it." Sara said, since that honestly made sense and it was something she should've taken into account in the old reality, since it was a fair point as she managed to get the suit back into its ring form.

"So, what's Team Arrow's current roster?" Sara asked.

"Me, Oliver, John, Rene and since Felicity's in Keystone helping Wally West based on what Oliver told me, we recruited someone else named Alena Whitlock and yes, I'm aware of her history with the team on the old earth, but Ollie's giving her a chance to change." Laurel said and they both nodded.

"Anyways, I expect to see you both, plus Jasmine and Ava at my apartment for dinner tonight, since no offense Laurel, but if Oliver's not here, we are not eating anything you cook." Quentin said.

"Yeah, I've died twice now, not risking that happening again." Sara said jokingly.

"Ha, ha. But don't worry dad, we'll be there." Laurel said as she rolled her eyes.

"So will Ava and I." Sara promised.

Mythology Professor Nora Darhk, though legally she was known as Nora Adams, was currently sitting in her office, which was currently located in the basement of the administrative building at Star City University when she heard someone knock on her door.

"Come in." Nora said as the door opened a young woman Nora had never seen before walked into the room.

"Can I help you?" Nora asked.

"I hope so. Professor, my name is Zari Tarazi and while I'm not a student here, I could use your help with something." Zari said.

"What can I help you with?" Nora asked, since even though she'd normally tell this person to come back during her office hours, for some reason, she felt some kind of connection to her.

"My team needs your skills. Specifically your magic. Ms. Darhk." Zari said, much to Nora's surprise.

"That's not my name." Nora said.

"Yes it is Nora. I know you and you know me. You just don't remember. But I bet you do know what this is." Zari said as she presented her totem.

"Is that one of the lost totems of Zambezi?" Nora asked before she could stop herself as she leaned in to get a better look and before she could do anything, Zari managed to use the memory device on her, reminding Nora of her former life.

"Okay, suddenly you suddenly showing up out of nowhere and knowing my real name makes sense." Nora said as Zari could tell that she was now talking to the Nora Darhk she knew.

"Yeah, thank you for not cursing me for that." Zari said.

"I'm tempted to for reminding me of a life where I was a fairy godmother, which will not be happening again, since now I know better than trust anyone who works with Neron." Nora said.

"Yeah, but really, a mythology professor? That doesn't seem like you?" Zari said.

"Had to keep my father off my trail, since while I know that there is some good in him, right now, he's too consumed with the bad." Nora said.

"Yeah, by the way, Sara's sister is alive again in this reality and we both know that if your father has anything to do with that changing, Sara won't hesitate to kill your father." Zari said.

"I'm aware. But anyways, I'm all for joining the Legends and I know Ray will be too. I'm assuming your boyfriend is handling that?" Nora asked and Zari nodded.

Dr. Raymond Palmer was currently in his small laboratory, once again working on his dwarf star research, hoping that it would lead to a breakthrough that could help him get his start up off the ground. Of course, that was before he felt some strange metal device touch his arm and suddenly, he felt a ton of strange memories enter his head, but by the time the memory rush was over, he remembered everything, including the proper way to use dwarf star alloy and when he turned around, he grinned at who he saw.

"Nate." Ray said with a grin as they hugged.

"Hey man, I missed my time bro and there is so much to catch you up on. But first, you're coming back to the ship right?" Nate asked.

"Of course, but I will need some time to rebuild my exo suit." Ray said.

"We can get what you need for that while Sara is at her family dinner." Nate said.

"Let's go. What about Nora?" Ray asked, suddenly remembering his girlfriend.

"Zari's handling her. I'll fill you in on everything when we get back to the ship." Nate said and Ray nodded.

And now Ray and Nora are joining the crew. Only ones left will be Snart and Rory and I've already got a plan for that.

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