Chapter 10

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Okay, I have to admit I loved the second to last episode of season 7 of Legends, particularly the scene where Sara and Ava saw their future. I hope that actually does happen and it will happen in some way in my story. They both deserve it. But anyways, on with the story.

"Welcome back Mr. Jackson." Gideon said to Jax when he came too after the procedure was complete.

"Good to be back Gideon and thanks for getting that device out of my head." Jax said as he cracked his neck to get rid of the stiffness in it.

"My pleasure. I must admit, while Dr. Palmer and the Tarazi Twins did a decent job maintaining my upkeep, they were never quite the same as you." Gideon said.

"Well, no one really compares to the best." Jax said with a smirk as he got up from the bed.

"Wow, that doesn't sound egotistical at all." Sara said as she and Ava entered the medbay.

"Do you disagree?" Jax asked.

"Never said that. I did miss my original second in command." Sara said.

"I'm surprised that's not Ava now." Jax said.

"Ava is my co-captain, not my second." Sara said before Ava could say anything.

"Is Stein okay?" Jax asked, since he'd been kind of out of it after they'd escaped from Eiling.

"Don't worry, he's fine. Gideon can confirm." Sara said and Jax sighed in relief.

"Good. So, who are we recruiting next?" Jax asked.

"Zari and Behrad, but that is a bit more complicated than recruiting you. We can't just send in a strike team, since both Zari and Behrad actually do matter to the timeline in this reality, so we need to be very careful about which moment we take them from and we'll only get one shot at it." Sara said as she explained the situation to Jax.

"So, we're actually going to take care of the timeline? I thought we messed it up for the better." Jax said, referring to the team's old motto.

"Oh we do, but in the cases of events that actually lead to the downfall of tyranny, those need to be kept on course. Small changes that won't impact the overall outcome of the event." Sara said.

"Well what did you have in mind?" Jax asked.

"Gideon, how exactly are Zari and Behrad supposed to die?" Sara asked.

"They were leading a resistance team at evacuating a group of refugees to a safehouse to await transport to Canada when they were ambushed and the Tarazis separated from the rest of the group to buy them to escape, since they were the only ones with metalike abilities due to their shared air totem." Gideon said.

"Wait, they share the air totem?" Ava asked.

"Yes, the air totem split in two so that they could share its power to aid in the resistance efforts, though in doing so, they also divided its power, so neither of them can wield the full power of the air totem alone." Gideon said.

"Divided the totem's power how?" Sara asked curiously.

"They each control certain aspects of the air totem, the nature of which best responds to their personalities. Ms. Tarazi's half of the air totem allows him to harness the more violent aspects of the air totem such as storms and tornadoes and other air disasters. Mr. Tarazi on the other hand is able to access the lighter side of the air totem with things like wind and air currents, benevolent aspects of air." Gideon said.

"That actually sounds about right for them." Sara said, since Zari had been a bit more angry with the world, which was understandable considering where she'd come from, but still, while Behrad had always been a bit more chill.

"Anyways, Gideon, you were saying?" Jax asked.

"Right, anyways, while the Tarazi siblings are successful in using their totems to divert the military forces pursuing them away from the refugees, they end up trapping themselves in a building with no way out and Argus, in their infinite wisdom, elects to blow the entire building up, making their bodies unrecoverable, though the historical indicates that they were crushed by the debris, killing them instantly and before you ask, it would appear that the force was enough to destroy the air totem fragments they kept with them." Gideon said.

"Okay, Gideon, pull up the exact time and place of the ambush." Sara said.

"What are you thinking?" Jax asked.

"I'm thinking that all we need to do is portal in to shortly before the ambush, like be waiting for Zari and Behrad when they reach the end of the road and then we hit them with the flasher knock them out and then use the time courier to bring them back to the ship while letting Argus think that they succeeded. We bring them back here and then restore their memories and then we'll move onto the next legend." Sara said and Ava and Jax both nodded in agreement.

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