Chapter 9

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After they got back to the ship, Ava took Jax to the medbay so that Gideon could remove the tech Eiling had put in his head while Sara returned to the bridge to determine who the next one of their former teammates they recruit should be.

"Gideon, bring up the files on the rest of the Legends, including locations so we can determine who needs to be brought in next the most." Sara said.

"Right away captain." Gideon said as she brought up the files for Mick, Snart, Ray, Nora, Zari, Behrad, Nate and Constantine.

"I am so glad we remember Zari now." Sara said, since the Monitor had restored her memories of Zari when he gave her the mental download.

"Yes and I'd recommend that she and Mr. Tarazi are the next ones recruited." Gideon said.

"Why?" Sara asked as Gideon showed her the timeline.

"In this timeline, the dystopian future that Ms. Tarazi originally lived in still happened, though in this version of history, Zari and Behrad managed to get their parents and Ms. Tarazi's twin sister Adrianna to safety in Canada before joining the resistance movement against Argus. My best recommendation on when to recruit them would be October 24, 2042." Gideon said.

"Why that date specifically?" Sara asked.

"Because it's the day they're supposed to die in an ambush planned by Argus. Faking their deaths, we not only recruit them, but we also keep the timeline intact, since according to historical records, the Tarazis death had a large impact on the resistance, causing it to begin being more active against Argus and also pave the way for their eventual victory 2089." Gideon said and Sara nodded.

"So we recruit them without disturbing the timeline, smart. Speaking of which, any trace of the Hunters or the Pilgrim on our tails yet?" Sara asked.

"Not yet Captain, I do not believe that they have been dispatched, simply because the Time Masters believe that we will return." Gideon said.

"Sounds about right. What's the status of Jax's surgery? I don't want to risk complicating it with any side effects from time travel since while it's not the biggest jump we've ever taken, his body isn't used to time travel yet." Sara said.

"It's nearly complete. Ms. Sharpe is currently observing it now and everything appears fine." Gideon said.

"Okay great. Once his surgery is complete and he's completely recovered, we'll jump. In the meantime, begin locating the others." Sara said.

"Right away captain." Gideon said as Sara left the bridge to head to the medbay to inform Ava and Jax.

"Hey babe." Ava said as she and Sara kissed quickly before they turned to face Jax, who was still unconscious.

"How's he doing?" Sara asked.

"Gideon managed to remove the device without any issues and she also administered an IV since Jax definitely did not receive the best treatment possible while he was Eiling's prisoner, since he's malnourished and dehydrated, that last one being especially dangerous since his powers relate to fire." Ava said and Sara nodded in agreement.

"It is good to have him back on the team. I have to admit, while Nate and Ray are great, I did miss my original second in command." Sara said.

"I always did wish that I'd had a better connection with him before he left." Ava said.

"Anyways, I've figured out our next destination for after Jax recovers." Sara said.

"Why do we have to wait until he recovers?" Ava asked.

"Because our next destination is Seattle, October 24th, 2042." Sara said.

"Zari and Behrad." Ava said, since her memories of Zari had also been restored.

"Yeah and I'm not risking Jax's health with a time jump, no matter how minor it is." Sara said and Ava nodded.

"I agree." Ava said.

"However, there is a complication with recruiting Zari and Behrad." Sara said.

"What kind of complication?" Ava asked as Sara explained the situation to her.

"So what you're saying is that we've only got one shot at recruiting the Tarazis." Ava said.

"Exactly. According to Gideon, the death of Zari and Behrad is a lot like the destruction of Amaya's village in the old timeline. There are too many potential ripple effects if it doesn't appear to be successful, since according to Gideon, it was their sacrifice that helped pave the way for the resistance's eventual victory against Argus." Sara said.

"Then while we wait, we should do as much research on what happened as possible so we can determine the best way to pull them out without disrupting the timeline." Ava said and Sara nodded in agreement.

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