Chapter 16

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Okay, breaking news, the Arrowverse is dying if it's not already dead. While I'm sure a majority of you readers already know this, in case some of you don't, the question we've all been wondering has at last been answered and it's not the one we wanted. Both Legends of Tomorrow and Batwoman have been canceled. Now Batwoman, I can live with, since honestly, I think we can all agree that while the show was good, it's also amazing it lasted this long with all the changes. I do think that the show ended on a high note though, with the season being villains of Bat's past and a final confrontation between a Bat and a Joker, very well done. I can live with that ending. Legends of Tomorrow on the other hand, that I'm pissed as hell about, since honestly, those last five minutes of the show, make it being canceled unacceptable. The rest of it, I can deal with, even Sara's pregnancy, but not the time cops and Booster Gold thing. Besides, Legends is right up there with Flash as one of the only OG shows left, since both Arrow and Supergirl had already ended at least those shows were ended right. Legends was not given a proper ending and I am pissed about it. Hopefully the CW will not make the same mistake with the Flash, since while I know it's been renewed for season 9, which will most likely be the last season, hopefully they will end it properly like Arrow and Supergirl did, since I swear, if they don't, I will be furious, since the Flash is the last remaining member of the Trinity and should be shown the proper respect. Sorry about this rant, but I needed to get that off my chest. And now on with the chapter. And please do not use the reviews section to rant about this. I'm pissed too, but don't let that stop you from enjoying the story.

After Laurel put Jasmine down for her nap, she and Sara sat down on the couch so they could really catch up.

"So, how long are you in this time period for?" Laurel asked.

"A few more days at least and like I said, I do not plan on leaving without seeing dad. Does he know about all this?" Sara asked.

"No and for right now we need to keep it that way. I mean, I don't think we should ever remind him of the old world, since it's a world where his granddaughter didn't exist and I died. A world where he lost basically everything. I can't put him through that again. But eventually I will tell him about the vigilante stuff, but for right now, he's safer not knowing. Once Slade's dealt with it, then I might consider telling him." Laurel said.

"I agree. By the way, we both owe Thea big time." Sara said.

"Yeah, Ollie told me how she really stepped out and looked out for dad after I died." Laurel said.

"Yeah, I know it should've been me who did that, but honestly, after you died, I honestly felt like I couldn't face dad." Sara said.

"Why?" Laurel asked her.

"Because I had the means to save your life and I didn't use it. When he encouraged me to stay on the ship after you died, I can't help but feel like part of the reason he wanted me to do that was because he was hoping that I could find a way to bring you back when he couldn't. Hell, I'm still amazed that he didn't insist on using one of the spare Lazarus Pits I heard Malcolm found to bring you back." Sara said.

"He had Black Siren pretending to be me. He couldn't exactly afford to bring another Laurel Lance back from the dead." Laurel said.

"True. But still, I felt like I couldn't face him without bringing you back first." Sara said.

"Which is ridiculous." a new voice said as Sara and Laurel turned to see their father standing in front of them.

"Dad, how long have you been here?" Laurel asked.

"Long enough to know that there's a lot you two haven't told me. Though Sara's girlfriend filled in most of the blanks for me." Quentin Lance said with a smile.

"Ava. She restored your memories. Even I told her." Sara said.

"Sara, don't get mad at her. I'm glad she did it, because remember what keeping secrets did to our family the last time. It nearly destroyed it." Quentin said.

"So, you're not mad we wanted to keep you in the dark? Again?" Laurel asked and Quentin chuckled.

"No, I get why you did it and while I appreciate it, no more secrets. Though now I am unsure about why you'd stay with Queen now." Quentin asked his older daughter, though there was no malice in his voice.

"Because I love him and he loves me and he's also the father of your granddaughter." Laurel said.

"Right. But anyways Sara, about what you said about not thinking you could face me, that's nonsense. I told you to go back on that time traveling mission because I knew that it was what you were meant to do. I know we've played with a lot of forces we shouldn't, but I'd accepted that Laurel's death was something that couldn't be undone. Or at least I thought it was. I wasn't asking you to undo it. I was asking you to do what she would've wanted you to do. Keep living your life." Quentin said and Sara smiled as she hugged her father tightly.

"I promise I'll visit more. Especially since now I have a niece to spoil rotten every chance I get with presents from other time periods. Is she going through the typical princess phase yet?" Sara asked.

"Not yet, though to be fair, not sure she knows what a princess is, since you know the life she lived up until a few months ago." Laurel said.

"Fair point. But still, now I totally plan on abusing time travel to find awesome presents to give Jasmine." Sara said.

"Can you at least limit it to stuff that was already invented. At least until she's old enough to understand that any presents you bring her from the future have to stay secret." Laurel asked and Sara nodded.

"That's fair. But anyways, it sounds like dad's met Ava, which means now the only person I still want to meet her is Laurel, since honestly, while I love mom, she was around even less than I was." Sara said.

"I know. But you're still going to have to talk to her." Quentin said.

"I know and I will. But not now." Sara said.

"On a different topic, mind telling me why Oliver's really missing Sara's homecoming?" Quentin asked Laurel.

"He's in Ivy Town helping Thea unscramble Tommy's mind." Laurel said.

"I'm sorry what?" Sara asked.

"Malcolm brainwashed Tommy, turned him into his loyal thug. Oliver called in Constantine, who still owes him a favor in this reality to see if they can undo the damage." Laurel explained.

"That son of a bitch. Just when I think I've run out of reasons to hate that bastard, another one pops up. I'm assuming he dies when Oliver gets back?" Quentin asked and Laurel nodded.

"In the meantime, why don't you show us the Arrowcave?" Sara asked and Laurel rolled her eyes.

"Come with me." Laurel said as she led her sister and father out of the house and over the abandoned barn.

Okay two things. First off, I was originally going to leave Quentin in the dark, but then I remembered how keeping secrets always seemed to come back and haunt the Lance family, plus I didn't want Sara to have to lie to Quentin about what she's doing.

Second off, and this is to answer a review I got, the reason why I'm not going to recruit Snart and Rory into the Legends before I finish their arc in Flash is because I still haven't decided where they'll be when they're recruited, plus, I don't want to trap myself with a way to end that arc in the Flash by already establishing something in this story.

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