Chapter 21

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This is unrelated to this particular story, but does anyone else find it a bit wrong that while Marvel created Wakanda as a way to show black pride and considering Black Panther is still considered one of the most popular MCU movies to date and for good reason, DC has yet to do anything like that. At least based on my limited knowledge of the DC universe. I could be wrong, but based on my research, I don't think I am. I am thinking about creating my own counterpart to Wakanda for this series and I'm curious on whether or not my readers would be interested in reading about it. Not in this story of course, but I've got ideas for one of the other stories in this series that might prove useful. What do you guys think?

To say Snart was surprised when he heard he had a visitor was an understatement.

"Well, this is a surprise. If only because of what happened the last time we were in this position." Snart said when he saw that the visitor was his sister.

"Just wanted to ask why you did it? Why did you frame me? You knew I was finally getting my life together." Lisa said.

"Because you betrayed me first. We're family, I thought we were supposed to have each other's backs." Snart said and Lisa chuckled humorlessly.

"You actually think I liked being a criminal? Always being on the run, never being able to set down roots? Because I hated it. Every little minute. I hated it. And I hated you for forcing that life on me. And then when I finally get something good for myself, something away from you, you have to try and ruin it. You're the worst big brother in history and I hope that I never see you again. I only came here to say goodbye before you're transferred." Lisa said.

"I'm sorry what?" Snart asked and his sister smirked.

"You didn't hear? Apparently CCPD made a request for you and Mick to be transferred to Argus custody. In fact, I heard something about their most secure supermax prison that's literally impossible to escape. Even for you. So I just wanted to say goodbye. Forever." Lisa said with a smirk.

"You're really okay with that?" Snart asked.

"Why should I care what happens to you when you've never given a damn about me. At least dad was honest about how much he hated me. You're even worse than he is. You raised me and claimed to care about me, when in reality, you just used me for your own selfish ends and used the fact that you kind of raised me to guilt me into staying at your side like a pet. All you ever wanted was for me to be like you, a criminal and you didn't care if that's not what I wanted." Lisa said.

"You're a Snart. Being a criminal is in your blood." Snart said.

"No, only the ones who choose to be criminals believe that. But I chose to be something else. Something better. A person with a real future that doesn't involve a prison cell. I just wish that you could see that. I'm actually happy with my life now. And honestly, there was a time I thought that there might be a place for you in my life now. But I guess that was naive to think that you could actually care about anyone but yourself. I hope that after today, we never see each other again. You're nothing to me anymore. Just someone I share a last name with." Lisa said.

"Why did you come here if you don't care about me?" Snart asked.

"Because I felt like before I could truly move on with my life from you, I needed to finally let you know how much I hate you and that I'm done with you and your shit for good. And now I have and you'll likely never see me again. And you know what, you deserve it. You may have been my brother once, but you haven't acted like it in a long time. And I'm done waiting for you to change and to be the man who raised me again, because honestly, looking back, I'm not sure that man ever existed. So, goodbye Leonard. For good." Lisa said as she got up and walked away from him, leaving her brother shocked by her words to him as he was guided back to his cell.

"So, how did it go?" Mick asked Snart as he returned to his cell.

"Apparently we're being transferred to Argus custody and Lisa basically disowned me." Snart said.

"She's the visitor you had?" Mick asked.

"Yep. And it sounds like she's done with me and wherever the hell it is Argus is putting us, it's a place apparently even we won't be able to escape from." Snart said.

"Isn't that what they said about this place?" Mick asked and Snart snorted as guards approached them.

"Okay prisoners, time to go." one of the guards said as the doors opened, but before either criminal could do anything, they suddenly felt darts enter their necks.

"What the hell?" Mick asked.

"Making sure that you don't get any ideas during the trip." one of the guards said as they both lost consciousness.

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