Chapter 24

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After killing Druce and Rip had to admit, that as an action that proved to be far more rewarding than he'd ever expected it to be, since he'd already had a hand in Druce's death once before, but maybe it was just because this time, he'd actually been the one to pull the trigger that actually killed Druce. He supposed that sometimes revenge was satisfying. Mick was right about that, though Rip made certain not to tell him that. Mainly because he didn't want Mick to get any ideas.

But anyways, now Rip was trying to make his way towards the Vanishing Point hangar so that he could steal a ship to get to the 21st century and reunite with his team, since while Rip wanted to save Miranda and Jonas first more than anything, he also knew that the Time Masters would likely be tracking him the moment he left and he had no desire to lead them to his family. Or at least, his wife and son. The Legends, who, even though he knew how poorly he'd treated them in the past, they were also his family and he was more than fine with leading the Time Masters to them, mainly because he knew that if he had to place a wager on who'd win in a fight between the Time Masters and the Legends, his money would be on the Legends every time. He could only hope that the team had been assembled already, though he supposed he'd have to wait until he returned to the Waverider to find out for certain.

Anyways, Rip knew that it would not be easy to make it to the hangar undetected, since literally his only advantage was the fact that the Oculus would not be able to control him, since it didn't work here in the Vanishing Point. Of course, there was the fact that Druce was dead and sadly the time council was well equipped to operate without him. He wished that he had a time courier on him right now. That would make this so much easier.

However, right now, he did not have access to one of those, so he had to keep his focus on getting to the hangar and hope that he would remain undetected. A hope that quickly vanished when he heard someone approach him.

"Hello Rip." Captain Eve Baxter said as he turned to see her aiming a pulse rifle at him.

"I see that you decided to ignore our conversation." Rip said.

"Actually, you're lucky that I'm the one who found you, since you do have a death sentence on your head. And after this so will I." Eve said as she shot two Time Master security members who were coming up behind Rip.

"Okay, I was not expecting that, though it's not unappreciated. But why?" Rip asked.

"I took your advice and did some digging. Turns out the Time Masters are frauds who are controlling time. I've been working to build a revolution against them, but it'll be a lot easier with you free, especially since I heard you killed Druce." Eve said.

"I did and it was very enjoyable. But back to this revolution, how many members do you have?" Rip asked.

"Enough to essentially cause a Civil War in the Time Masters." Eve said and Rip grinned.

"While that is good news, we can't fight them now. This movement, while big, is still new and the Time Masters have the advantage right now, since this is their home turf." Rip said.

"Wait, what are you saying?" Eve asked.

"I'm saying that staying and fighting right now is a very bad idea, since they have the advantage. We need to evacuate the Vanishing Point for now until we have an actual plan to take them down." Rip said and Eve nodded, since that did make sense.

"Since when are you a tactical genius?" Eve asked.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you, but for now, order all members of your resistance to evacuate and take shelter in fragmentations until we can get word to them of a proper rendezvous." Rip said and Eve nodded.

"What about us? We need to find your ship." Eve said.

"I already know exactly where the Waverider is. But first, we need to make a stop at the refuge, inform mother about the incident and most importantly, make sure she and our past selves are safe." Rip said and Eve nodded.

"I don't like bringing her into this, since we're basically asking her to choose between her children." Eve said.

"I know, but she needs to know the truth. One way or another." Rip said.

"I'll also send some resistance members to London 2166 to get Miranda and Jonas out." Eve said and Rip nodded at her thankfully as they left to head towards Eve's ship, the Acheron while she sent out a message to the rest of the resistance to abandon the Vanishing Point until they were ready to launch a counterattack.

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