Chapter 13

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"Well, somebody looks happy." Behrad said as he entered his sister's quarters on the ship.

"Yeah, so happy I'm not even going to comment on the fact that you just walked right into my room without knocking. It's just like when we were kids." Zari said to her little brother, though she had no heat in her words.

"Come on, seriously Z, I haven't seen you this happy in I think, ever." Behrad said and Zari chuckled.

"True, but that's because both versions of you that knew this version of me were from dystopian Seattle." Zari said.

"True. But you definitely seem to be in a good mood now." Behrad said.

"Well, why wouldn't I be? I mean, after all, I got you, Mama and Baba back, I'm free to see the world outside the air totem again and we're back on the ship." Zari said and Behrad smiled.

"But I'm guessing by the fact that you've only settled into half the room means that something's missing." Behrad said, knowing his sister well.

"In addition to my memories of the original timeline, I also have my memories from the new timeline that was created before the universe was reset, as in when I was tossed into the air totem and I had a lot of time to think. Especially since honestly, now that I think about it, since the world between worlds wasn't affected by the destruction of the multiverse, so I did have a lot of time to think." Zari said.

"Let me guess, about Nate?" Behrad asked knowingly.

"You get stuck in a totem for god knows how long, you need something to focus on to keep your sanity. But yeah, even though we didn't get a ton of time together, I know in my heart that Nate's the one for me, so when Ava brings him back to the ship, I'm going to ask him if he wants to share a room with me. Especially since we do kind of have limited space. I think that all the couples are going to need to bunk up." Zari said.

"Well, if memory serves, that shouldn't be a problem since we already know that Sara and Ava are living together and Ray and Nora were sharing a room too. However, if you're serious, I'm going to need to borrow your totem." Behrad said.

"Why is something wrong with yours?" Zari asked.

"No, but your totem has all the powers that are useful in threatening Nate. He may be my time bro, but I need to make it clear what will happen to him if he messes with you. Especially since I never got to do that in the first place." Behrad said and Zari chuckled.

"No, I'm not giving you my totem." Zari said.

"On a different topic, how do you think mama and baba are going to react to you dating a white devil? You know they wanted you to date a Persian boy." Behrad said.

"Well, they'll have to get used to it. Besides, it's not like we'll ever see them again, since it was made pretty clear that we can't go back and visit them, since the world has to think we're dead." Zari said as the true gravity of their situation sunk in.

"I guess we didn't fully realize what that meant until now. Never getting to see our family again. I mean, I know the Legends are also our family, but." Behrad said.

"No I get it, I feel the same way." Zari said.

"I didn't say you couldn't see them again." Sara said as she walked up to them.

"How much did you hear?" Zari asked.

"Enough to know that if Nate doesn't agree to move in with you, well, I'm pretty sure I can hurt him even in his steel form." Sara said and Zari chuckled.

"What did you mean that we can still see them?" Behrad asked as they looked at Sara.

"I think that as long as you're careful, you should be able to visit them a few times a year, as long as you're sure to erase their memories at the end every time to protect them and the timeline." Sara said and Zari smiled.

"It's better than nothing." Zari said and Behrad nodded in agreement.

"Anyways, B, are you all unpacked?" Sara asked.

"Yeah, I was going to go meet Jax in the engine room, since while he's still our primary mechanic, on a ship like this, it never hurts to have more than one." Behrad said and Sara nodded in agreement.

"On that we agree. Z, once you're done getting ready, meet me on the bridge." Sara said and Zari nodded.

When Nate entered his apartment in Melody Hills Indiana, he was surprised to find a strange woman sitting at his kitchen table waiting for him.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" Nate asked.

"Dr. Heywood, my name is Ava Sharpe and I'm an agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation and I'm here because I have an opening for you within my agency." Ava said as she showed him her badge.

"What use could you possibly have for a historian?" Nate asked.

"You mean, besides the fact that you can turn to steel?" Ava asked.

"How did you know that?" Nate asked.

"It'll all make sense in a second." Ava said she used the memory ring to restore Nate's memories.

"Damn Ava, is there any way to do that without the headache?" Nate asked as he recovered from the brain dump.

"Sorry Nate, but no. But now you know why I'm here." Ava said.

"Yep and let me pack my stuff and then it's hello Waverider for me." Nate said.

"Good, oh and also, Zari's waiting for you on the ship." Ava said, since she knew that Nate's memories of Zari had been restored as well.

"Okay, suddenly getting back to the ship just became a higher priority. Good thing my lease on this place is almost up anyways." Nate said and Ava chuckled.

"I'll call Behrad and Jax, see if they can help." Ava said and Nate nodded in agreement.

Thanks to Jax and Behrad's help, Nate got everything he wanted to move to the ship packed up relatively quickly, since he didn't have a whole lot in his Melody Hills to keep him there, so he quickly found himself back on the ship.

"Welcome back." Sara said as she greeted the team's resident historian.

"Thanks Captain." Nate said as they shared a quick hug before his attention immediately focused on Zari.

"Hey." Zari said.

"Hey." Nate said and without saying another word, they quickly closed the distance between each of them as they kissed.

"Do you have to do that in front of me?" Behrad complained as his sister silenced him with a certain gesture without breaking away from Nate, causing Behrad to look at her in shock while Sara, Ava and Jax all laughed at that.

"Get used to it bro. Maybe if you could find yourself a girl, you'd understand." Zari said.

"Low blow Zari." Behrad said.

"Get used to it B. Laurel used to rub it in my face that she had a boyfriend and I didn't for years when we were younger. Granted, I don't want a boyfriend now anyways, but I didn't know that back then." Sara said as she wrapped her arm around Ava's waist.

"Anyways, Nate, before you get unpacked, there's something I wanted to ask you." Zari said.

"Can I bunk with you?" Nate asked before she could say anything.

"Wait, what?" Zari asked, not expecting him to say that.

"Look, if the memories I got told me anything, it's that I don't want to lose you again. I want to wake up next to you every morning and fall asleep next to you every night. So, can I move in with you"?" Nate asked, deciding to be crazy for once and going all in with Zari.

"I was literally going to ask you to move in with me, but you beat me to it." Zari said with a smile.

"Okay, Zari, why don't you show Nate to your room while the rest of us focus on the next Legend to recruit." Sara said, since it was clear that those two needed some alone time and they did not need any further motivation as Zari dragged Nate off the bridge.

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