Chapter 14

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"So, who's left on the list?" Jax asked as he, Sara, Ava and Behrad stood on the bridge of the ship since Zari and Nate were both busy in their now shared room.

"Honestly, while there are still plenty of legends out there that we can recruit, the only ones I think we need right now are Ray, Nora, Snart and Mick. The others can wait until we spring Rip from the Time Masters, especially since he's already been held prisoner there for too long." Sara said and they all nodded.

"So, who are we going after next?" Behrad asked.

"According to reports we're getting from this time period, it sounds like Snart and Rory are up to their old tricks from before they became Legends. I say we give them a little more time to be criminals and also let Barry kick their asses once before we make them settle down into the life of a Legend. That means it's Ray and Nora's turn and we don't know where to find them. Assuming they're even together." Sara said.

"Gideon, have you found anything that could help with that?" Ava asked.

"Possibly captains. According to the timeline data I have been able to access, it would appear that there were several changes made in Ms. Darhk's timeline. The first one being that she was born at around the same time the rest of you were. At least the ones from 2012." Gideon said.

"Nice, what else you got?" Sara asked.

"According to the records, it would appear that she was put up for adoption by her mother when she was four. Just left at an adoption agency without even a goodbye." Gideon said.

"Okay, that's new and while that was a bitch move for Ruve, at least it meant that Nora grew up away from the craziness that is her father and wouldn't become obsessed with raising him from the dead." Sara said, since while she could understand wanting a family member back from the dead, probably better than anyone considering how she'd spent months trying to kill Darhk in the past to prevent him from killing her sister in the present and she had been tempted to do the same thing to Diaz after her father died and honestly, her one regret was that she didn't do it, since while Damien had shown a few redeeming qualities, though not enough to get off her list, Diaz was a monster and she honestly doubted anyone on her team or at the Time Bureau would really care if she did the world a favor a removed Diaz from the timeline, especially since doing so would not only save her father's life, but it would've kept Oliver from having his identity outed and going to prison.

"So, how does the rest of the story go and how does it involve Ray?" Jax asked.

"A few months after her abandonment, Ms. Darhk is adopted by the Richards Family. She grew up having a very happy life with loving normal parents, until she turned 14 years old." Gideon said.

"Let me guess, that's when her magic started coming in." Sara guessed.

"Correct. Fearful of what her power could do, Ms. Darhk ran away from home to try and find a way to get rid of her power or at least teach her to control it and she did. She was mentored by a witch named Natalie Logue." Gideon said.

"Wait, Logue, any relation to Astra Logue, the girl John sent to hell?" Sara asked.

"Her mother actually. Natalie mentored the young Nora before Astra was born. Natalie taught Ms. Darhk to control her power and use it for good, though it also led to Nora discovering her connection to Damien Darhk, causing her to refrain from using her power to avoid drawing the attention of her father." Gideon said.

"Okay, where does Ray tie into all this?" Sara asked.

"I'm getting to that. According to the timeline, Dr. Palmer's life was relatively the same except that he met Ms. Darhk in college while he was studying for one of his multiple Phds and she was studying mythology, becoming a mythology professor while Dr. Palmer began working on his own startup, though according to my records, due to the fact that Dr. Palmer will be unable to buy Queen Consolidated in this timeline, his efforts to start up Palmer Technologies will be less than successful." Gideon said.

"Sounds like Ollie not taking his rightful place at Queen Consolidated is the best thing that could've happened to it." Sara said jokingly.

"Speaking of which, are you ever going to tell your family that you're alive? I mean I know that Oliver and Laurel know, but what about your parents?" Ava asked.

"I will, once we're done dealing with the Time Masters." Sara assured her.

"Good, because I never did get the chance to meet your parents before." Ava said.

"Can you please not be like that?" Sara complained.

"Can we please get back to the mission?" Behrad asked, pulling them back from their bickering.

"Right, sorry about that. So, where are they now?" Sara asked.

"According to my data, they're living in Star City right now." Gideon said.

"Guess that changes things a bit." Sara said.

"You really want to do that now?" Jax asked.

"What if it was your dad you were getting a chance to see again after thinking he was gone for good." Sara pointed out.

"Okay, fair point." Jax said.

"So, I'm guessing you and Ava aren't going to be the ones to get Ray and Nora?" Behrad asked.

"No, Gideon, tell Nate to finish up whatever he and Zari are doing, since we're picking up his time bro next and I want him to run point on that while I finally get to see my family again." Sara said and none of the Legends could fault Sara for that.

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