Chapter 12

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Since I know someone will ask eventually, there is a reason I've been taking so long with the recruiting part of Legends. I will be recruiting Snart and Rory to the team, but due to a request I got a couple months ago, I decided to give them some time as bad guys in Flash first, so I'm trying to stretch this out as much as possible so that I can give Snart and Mick time to be crooks before they become legends, so they will be the last ones to be recruited.

"Gideon, have you located the correct time and place to bring Nate into the fold?" Sara asked as she, Ava, Jax, Zari and Behrad all stood on the bridge of the ship.

"Yes Captain and it would appear that he still fits the criteria of the original Legends." Gideon said.

"You mean people who aren't significant to history." Sara said.

"Yes, though I have to admit, that does change after you become Legends." Gideon said.

"Anyways, moving on." Ava said.

"Right, sorry, Gideon, what do you have?" Sara asked.

"It would appear that there have been a few significant changes made to Dr. Heywood's timeline." Gideon said.

"What kind of changes?" Zari asked.

"The most significant one being that the World War 2 incarnation of the Justice Society of America never existed." Gideon said.

"Wait, what?" Sara asked.

"Yes, I'm seeing no records of them being involved in any aspects of the war. In fact, the JSA did not emerge in any form until the 1980s, though with a much different lineup." Gideon said.

"Moving on. Does that mean that Nate's grandfather was still involved in his son's life?" Sara asked.

"Yes, my records show that Henry Heywood completed his service to the JSA before retiring and settling down with his wife and son Hank and he even got to meet his grandson before his death in 1989. The next big change to Dr. Heywood's life would be that he received his powers when he was only a child." Gideon said.

"How?" Zari asked.

"Dr. Heywood's father learned of an experimental treatment the United States government had developed that could potentially cure his son's hemophilia, which it did, though it also gave a 9 year Nathaniel Heywood his steel powers, which his parents had him keep secret for the rest of his childhood in order to protect him the response the US government would have. Dr. Heywood was still relatively isolated from the world growing up, though this was more because his parents did not want him slipping up and revealing his powers, though that did cause him to still end up becoming a historian after watching Indiana Jones. His timeline remains relatively unchanged until the present, where now that he's no longer living with his parents, he's now trying to do a little bit of good as a local vigilante." Gideon said.

"Where?" Zari asked.

"Melody Hills Indiana." Gideon said.

"Then that's where we're going, set a course." Sara said.

"Right away Captain." Gideon said as they all took their seats and Sara flew the ship through the temporal zone.

"Okay, who's going to bring Nate in?" Sara asked.

"I'll go." Ava said.

"Wait, no, I should be the one to go." Zari said.

"Except for the fact that there's a chance that Nate won't recognize you. I agree with Ava, she's probably the one who has the best chance of getting through to Nate, since as far as I know, she still technically works for the DEO, which means that she has an FBI cover she can use, since Nate's more likely to respond to a person with a badge." Sara said as Ava actually pulled her old badge out, since J'onn had let her keep it when she'd resigned.

"Have to admit, they do have some useful toys at the DEO." Ava said as she switched it to its FBI cover mode.

"Gideon, do you have an exact location on Nate?" Sara asked.

"Yes, it would appear that his daytime job is as a historian at the Melody Hills History Museum. I've also got a location in his apartment." Gideon said.

"Okay give me his address and I'll be there waiting for him when he gets home from work." Ava said.

"Right away." Gideon said as Ava left to get ready.

"Zari." Sara said.

"Sara, I should be the one going to recruit Nate." Zari said.

"And under different circumstances I would agree with you, but you need to remember that he won't know you in this reality until Ava hits him with the memory device." Sara said.

"No, I know that even if he doesn't remember me, Nate will at least notice something familiar about me." Zari said.

"How can you be so sure?" Sara asked.

"Because that's the reason he's even on the team. He was the only one who realized there was something wrong with history when you guys were scattered through it and I heard that he was the only one whose memory was wiped who could tell something was wrong in Doomworld. Something has allowed him to always be able to tell if things were wrong with history or reality." Zari said.

"Fair point, but still, we're in a bit of a time crunch here. Besides, this way you'll get all the time alone with Nate that you want once he's on the ship." Sara said and Zari sighed, but nodded.

"Okay, fair enough." Zari agreed.

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