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Amity pov-

My eyes were puffy the next morning from crying all last light. It felt like most nights I went to bed crying now. I glanced in the mirror, I looked like road kill, my hair was messy, mascara running down my cheeks. No wonder my parents thought I was a disaster.

"Compose yourself Amity" I told myself as I removed the smudged makeup. Why did Luz have to leave? Why did she have to leave me?

This isn't her fault. I repeated.

"Amity dear" My mother called as I entered the kitchen. "Good morning mother" I sat down staring at the table. What was I gonna do, I had no more titan's blood. Eda trusted me with it and I blew it!

Without another word I walked out the front door heading towards the woods.

How could I do such a stupid thing, they trusted me, and I screwed up. Now no one would be able to go back. Even if they tried. Cause where would anyone find some titans blood just lying around? I blew it. What if Luz isn't able to make another portal in the human realm? Then what? Will she just be stuck there forever? I'll never see her again.

"I'M SORRY LUZ" I yelled out into the woods. Not that she could hear me. "Come on you're spiraling, pull yourself together Amity. Luz will come back, or you'll find another way to get to see her again."

The whole day went by in a huge blur, I don't even remember what I ate for lunch, or if I ate lunch. It didn't matter what I was going to do?

"Hey Amity?" Willow called. "You gonna go to practice today?" She asked, pointing to the field. I realized I was sitting on the steps outside of school. "No... I'm not feeling well, I don't think I'm gonna go today" I replied looking back at the ground.

"Okay well do you want me to talk you home-"

"No!" I said quickly. Home was the last place I wanted to be right now. "So you don't want to go to grudgby practice and you don't want to go home. Amity, you can't just spend all night on the steps outside of school." Willow said, sitting down next to me.

"It's just..." I couldn't find the words. "Amity, is everything okay? Gus and I are getting really worried. You haven't gone to practice in months,  you barely say anything, and we never see you eat anymore..."

I hated the fact that I was worrying them, that was the last thing I wanted to do, worry other people about my problems. "I'm fine guys really" I plastered a fake smile on my face. " I think I'm just going to go to the owl house for a bit." I got up and started to walk away.

"God, is that you boots? You look awful" Eda said as she answered the door. "Thanks" I said sarcastically walking into the living room.

"Seriously kiddo are you doing alright?"

I didn't know how to respond. I have been putting it off for months now. I didn't want to admit to Eda that I failed, and lost the last of our titans blood. I couldn't find any words. I just sat there as silent tears started rolling down my face.

"Kid?" Eda called out again, this time I looked. She almost looked scared when she saw me crying.

"Hey Raine, can you get in here for a sec?" She called.

"Yes" they walked in. "Eda what did you do to the poor kid?" They exclaimed gesturing towards me. "Hey that wasn't me the kid came here like this" Eda said defensively.

I stayed silent.

"So what do you need my help with?" They asked awkwardly. "I don't know what to do? The kid has been crying for months now" She whispered.

I heard more whispering but my eyelids slowly drifted shut...

"Hey kiddo get up" A voice called, shaking me violently. "Hmm, where am I ?"

"On my couch," Eda said, looking down at me. "Oh sorry"

I knew I had to do it, I had to tell her. What's the worst thing that could happen, she ignores me forever, or turns me into a cup?

I felt my hand shaking as I got up to tell Eda, "Hey Eda... there's something I have to tell you"

We now were all sitting in silence. I was looking at Eda who was looking at the floor. "Well not I'm not gonna lie to you kiddo we're kinda screwed here" I could hear the sadness in her voice.

I looked down at the floor, trying to rack my brain to think of any possible solutions. "How about I grab the notebook I used to build the portal, it's older so it might have some more information on titans blood"

"Better than nothing I suppose" I got up and went off the door, I couldn't help but wonder how mad Eda was. She trusted me with that Titan's blood and I just wasted it, just like that.

The forest was dark tonight, fog flooded the grass surrounding the trees. I casted a simple light spell. Immediately reminding me of Luz. I stopped for a second, picking up a stick and starting to draw in the dirt. I think I remember how Luz did this. Looks close enough, I lightly tapped it and a small glowing orb of light appeared.

It was nothing significant but just doing the same magic that Luz mastered made me happy.

I carried the orb with me as I continued the walk home. Minutes later a crunching sound seemed to echo through the woods. I stopped for a second to see if it was me. It continued. I picked up the pace until I was almost at a run. The manor was now in sight.

I felt something hard hit me in the back of my head. Causing me to fall to the ground. I slowly rolled over hoping to see what had hit me but instead I was hit again square in the nose. I felt blood start to roll down my face it now covered my hands as I tried to wipe it away.

"What the hell-"

"Mittens, mittens" A voice called. "I told you she's dead!" The same voice said. " She's not dead Ed, pull yourself together."

My eyes fluttered open at the sound of the second voice. "See she's not dead, she is very much alive" Em said, helping me sit up. "Mittens what happened?"

They both helped me to my feet as I tried to recall what happened. "Would this help?" Ed casted a reflection spell displaying a mirror. I was frightened when I saw my reflection. There was dried blood on my face, and continuing down my neck. My eyes had a dark heavy circle below, along with some smudged makeup.

"It's okay" Em tried to reassure me. "How about we go home and find some of the fairy pie I know dad's hiding in the basement." Ed said with a faint laugh.

"Yeah, we'll get you home, and all cleaned up." Home I didn't want to go home, what would mom think when she saw me. That I got into a fight, that I was out doing something stupid. She would never let me leave the house again.

Em tilted her head slightly as she looked at me. "Don't worry Mom's not home right now. You don't even have to see her" they knew I was always worried about Mom, she worried us all actually, but they knew about what she thought of me.

"Hop on '' She knelt down, normally I would be strongly against getting a ride from my siblings, but going off of how I looked I didn't think I had a choice. It actually felt really safe holding onto Em, like we were little.

"I got an idea, how about when we get home we tell our favorite Luz stories, that always cheers you up" I was confused.

"Who's Luz?

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