Burnt and Broken

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Luz pov-
"Luz where are you going?" Eda called after me, but I had already grabbed my coat and was heading out the door. Rage overtook my body, it felt like my blood was boiling. I was sad before, and believe me I still am but, how could someone do that to your own daughter? Why couldn't she have just kicked her out and then she could have ran away and lived with me. This bitch.

I found a bat lying on the side of the path, and decided to take it with me, I swung it over my shoulder and continued on my way. My mind was racing, all these feelings and thoughts swirled around in my head. Before I knew it I was at the gate.

Locked, I thought as I tried to open it. I felt around in my pocket for some glyphs I drew earlier. I found a fire one and placed it on the lock, shattering it. I knew I would trigger alarm mechanisms but I didn't care. Let them know I'm here. They should know I'm here.

I pounded on the door so hard it actually started to hurt my hand.

Surly enough the door opened, reviewing an abomination butler. "Get me Odalia Blight" I said coldly, as the abomination turned and started walking down the hallway. Every second I stood there In the entry hall I started to plan what I would say, what I would ask...

"Oh it's the human child, I thought you got kicked out years ago." She said looking me dead in the eyes But I could tell seeing me here pissed her off. Also I don't know why she called me a child. We were practically the same height.

"What did you do to Amity?" I asked coldly, gripping the bat tightly.

"I don't know what you are talking about, but our Amity is simply focused on her goals, I am sorry if she no longer finds you as a priority" She said with a grin.

"You know exactly what the hell I'm talking about Odalia, I know you screwed her up " I snarled, taking another step closer.

"Don't be so sure of yourself, an accusation like that could end you a one way trip to a petrifaction ceremony." She said turning away.

"I will say whatever I want"

"You don't understand, I will have everything taken away from you that you love, every last thing."

"Going with you already pretty much done that... try me! Now tell me how to fix her or, or , or I'll destroy the place bit by bit" I exclaimed holding up a vase, I honestly didn't think this far ahead.

But Odila just laughed. "Really human you think you can get me to talk by simply breathing some stuff" I felt so stupid, I knew couldn't get Odila to talk by breaking things but maybe there was another way... "Okay fine, I won't go around breaking things, as much as I'd like to but..." I paused a second bringing my bat to my up to rest on my shoulders.

"But I will tell all the press about how you marketed your products, and how they cross numerous child endangerment laws. Not only do I have my story but I had quite a couple witnesses. I'd love to see how your business would do if I made a big scene like that"

Odalia just stood there for a moment. I knew I had struck a nerve, her business meant more to her than just about anything, and we both knew it.

"There's no need to go off making up some stories, because what's done. My daughter only listens to me." She said reaching to touch her necklace.

I got an idea. My anger started to dial down.

"Fine, I'll leave, but I'll get the real Amity back one way or the other" I said in defeat. I then turned and swung at the vase, shattering it into a million pieces. "Amity hated those dingy vases."

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