The Plan

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Hey guys first of all I'm so sorry for the huge wait on this chapter. I was in kinda a dark place with school and life in all honesty. But I'm doing a lot better now, and hopefully I'll be able to keep writing. But thank all so much for you're patience if you're all still around💜💜💜

Amity pov-
As much as I wanted to shake that encounter with the human from my head I just couldn't. Something about her just seemed so familiar. Like I had met her before, like I have known her before. I don't know why it was difficult to get the human out of my head, but today was the day that I was gonna turn in my official acceptance letter to the Emperor's coven. And that would be it. This should be one of the biggest days of my life and all I can think about is one human. Who I had never met before.

This should be the day where I finally become apart of the Emperor's Coven, my life would all fall into place just like it's supposed to. But as I stood in front of the doors to the castle, the letter in hand. But something stopped me. Like an invisible force stopping me from taking another step. I just couldn't do it. I couldn't turn in this letter.

I decided to tuck the letter under my sleeve and start head home. I'll come back tomorrow. I just need to clear my head first.

Luz pov-
By the time I got back from the mansion my chest still felt like it was on fire. "Hey Luz you're back" Eda called, as I walked through the door. I watched as all of their eyes fell on me as I stood in the middle of the room.

"She didn't say anything" I announced in defeat. "Not surprised, Em and I have tried just about everything to get her to talk.''

We all sat in the silence that loomed over the room trying to rack our brains. I couldn't lose her, after everything that happened I won't let her go, not this easily. "It doesn't matter, we are getting her back" I said. "All we need is the spell." I turned to look at Eda.
"Hey don't look at me, I haven't been able to cast those kinds of spells for years."

"I know, but Raine can" I raised my eyebrows. "What no? I'm not going to bother them with this mess!" Eda said as her face turned a light rose.

"Come one, they're the best bet we got. Please Eda?" I begged.


That was it, the plan took off. Em and Ed were going to find Amity, and put her under a sleeping spell so once the memory spell was cast she would be safe, and so there was no chance that her mom could interfere.

So Em and Ed left to find Amity, while Eda and King were gathering the right materials so everything would be ready once Raine got here. All I had to do was wait, and then find a way to recover all of my girlfriend's memories back. No problem

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