Til Death Do Us Part

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Amity pov-
My eyes were barely open as I knocked on the door of the owl house. So tired in fact I didn't even have the strength to threaten hooty.

"Amity" Luz called, giving me a hug. She already had so much energy. I laughed to myself. If only I could gather a quarter of her energy this morning then I'd be fine.

She took my hand and led me into the kitchen which had a wide splay of different foods, a huge cake in the center. I peeled off really quick to get some tea, to help wake me up. As I turned around Luz and King now seemed to be in the middle of a very heated argument.

"King, you are not jumping out of the cake today. That's not what happens at weddings. Tiny demons don't jump out of cakes" Luz argued. "Shows what you know, I'll be bigger and fiercer than all of you just you see!" King squeaked back.

"No cake surprise"

"Yes cake surprise, it will be the best part."

"But you jumping out of a cake isn't supposed to be the best part, it's supposed to be about Eda and Raine!" She tried to explain desperately.

"Amity jumping out of cakes is a totally awesome thing for a wedding right?" King asked, now facing me. I was surprised by my sudden part in the conversation.

"Amity- sweet potato we are not letting him jump out of a cake at this wedding right?" Luz turned to look at me with her big brown eyes. I felt a blush creep up my face.

"No fair you can't use nicknames!" King argued. I cleared my throat, allowing myself to recollect my thoughts. "I don't think a cake surprise would be the best thing at wedding, maybe next time"

"Cheater!" King accused Luz. "What, how so?"

"You can't use your girlfriend to team up on me, that's no fair" He continued to whine. She smirked, "Still 2-1, no cake surprise"

King stomped out of the room and scurried up the stairs, a door closing behind him. He probably ran into Eda's room.

"Sorry I think he's even more extra when he's excited." Luz apologized as she handed my mug I had left on the counter. "It's fine, everyone's excited" I gave her a smile as we turned to head back to her living room.

I just had to focus on Luz, if I could just stay focused then I could put some things behind me. Just for today, just for Luz, today meant everything to her.

But it all felt like too much, this was too much like the nights before. The thought of vows, and the whole ceremony just twisted my stomach into knots.

"Amity you alright?" I heard her voice call, I must have been staring. "Fine, just a little tired still. She tilted her head at me. "Are you sure, you can take a nap if you need to, I can finish up the food in here.

"Oh no, I'm fine really. What's there left to do, I can do it" I tried to reassure her. Her gaze shifted to the table, staring at the food that was laid in front of us. "Eda said the only thing missing was some kind of garnish, she said she was growing in the garden."

"Okay I can run out back and get those, but are three plant pots really considered a garden?" I asked turning to leave the kitchen. "Under this roof, I guess so" She replied, laughing lightly. "Alight be right back"

Just outside the door were three pots, I glared at the only one growing really anything. I recognized the herb, but couldn't quite place the name. I know Willow had told me about it before.

As I bent down to decide the best way to collect said herb, something tapped lightly at my heels. I assumed it was a ghost, but when I turned around there was a small lively package at my feet. Love it when your mail follows you to all ends of the forest.

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