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Amity pov-
It was almost done, a huge wave of relief crossed over my body. I took the key off from around my neck and opened the tiny compartment containing titan's blood. Within seconds of the titan's blood touching the portal it lit up, a colorful wall swirling within.

Cautiously I stuck my hand through and pulled it out quickly. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 fingers. Okay good first step. It's okay, just take a step through, everything will be fine. One foot after the next. 

My eyes closed as tightly as I could, and stepped through. I felt my feet land on something hard. Oh god where am I? What if this isn't the human realm? Just do it, open your eyes, stop being so scared, just do this for Luz. As my eyes opened I was overwhelmed by the light shining through holes in the walls.

It appeared to be an old house, I started to look around the small room, the  floors squeaked as I walked across the floor. I still wasn't sure that this was the right place. I peaked out of the door to see a two story house to the left. There was what I thought was a garden though it looked kinda boring, and some kind of big wagon I think. There was also this smaller box with the name Noceda written on the side.


I nearly started running off towards it. Wait. Her present. I turned around and ran back through the portal. I couldn't just show up empty handed.   

I reached for my bag but when I turned to look up...

"MOM?!" There she was standing in all her glory at the entrance of the path. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I asked, clutching my bag tightly. "WHAT AM I DOING HERE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, AND WHAT IS THIS?" She yelled grabbing my wrists yanking me away from the portal.

"I don't see how this concerns you" I snapped back, trying to break free of her grasp.

Surprisingly she let go and started to walk  towards the portal examining it. I tried to follow behind but she gave the look to stay where I was. The if you dare move I'm gonna beat the life out of you look. I took a cautious step back. "Homemade I presume" I didn't respond. "So this is where you have been sneaking off to"

She knows, she knows, what does she want? I screamed internally as I felt my neutral expression changed to one of worry.  "What do you want, I'm not hurting anything" I said, picking up my staff. "You know I couldn't help but notice that you have become distracted by the human lately, yes?" She asked in her manipulating tone. "Luz is not a distraction, I-I really care about her" I yelled. "Ahh, that's what I feared"

"Tell me Amity what does this human mean to you exactly?" She asked looking back at me.

"Well... ummm" I paused. Luz meant everything thing to me, she was the reason I got back into grudgby, why I got up in the morning, why I... "Well?" My mother asked impatiently.

"She's... she's"

"Stop stuttering and answer me!" She yelled grabbing my wrist pinning me to the back of the tree. I felt tears forming at the corner of my eyes but I was determined to not show any weakness.

"She's my friend, she's makes me happy" Were the words to finally escape my mouth.

My mother didn't say anything she just kept staring at me staring deep into my eyes. Like she was trying to look through my soul.

Before I could say I saw an abomination come up behind the portal and rise it's fist. I knew what was going to happen. I tried to run to the portal, maybe I could stop it.

I was nearly there when I felt my mother's hand grab my shoulder, yanking me backwards. Slowly I lifted my head to see my mother standing above me. "Please no" I mumbled under my breath. She didn't say anything but instead just pointed to the portal. I watched the abomination's large gooey fist come down, shattering it to a million pieces, like glass. "YOU MONSTER!" I yelled as I felt hot tears roll down my face.

I walked over to the ruins falling to my knees, looking at what was left of the portal. It was in now in a million pieces. That was my chance, the last of my titan's blood was used for this portal. Tears rolling down my face as I looked pieces trying to see if there was anything I could save. "Let this be a lesson Amity, there is no room for distractions in your path" My mom said starting to walk away.

There was a burning sensation in my chest, I was so filled with anger I was shaking. I drew a circle lighting the path in front of my mother on fire. She turned around wearing her death look. "I don't care what you think, about me or Luz" I yelled a fire ball now in my fist. "I'll make another portal, I won't let you control me."

"Such a shame" She walked back over to where I was now stood tilting my chin up to meet her stare" You always were the disappointment of the family. Why couldn't you be more like your siblings. Their surly not off building some portal to the human realm." She said putting out the fire turning to leave. "But none the less I think that we can change your mind"

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