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Amity pov-
There I sat, there on my bed, contemplating my existence, today was really happening, today was everything I had wanted, everything I had been working for for years. Today had finally come.

"AMITY YOU ARE EXPECTED DOWN STAIRS IN A HOUR" Mother yelled though the other side of my door.

Today was everything I had wanted, that my mother had wanted.

I sighed as I looked in the mirror, I forgot to redye my hair. How could I forget? Mom's gonna kill me, I don't have time to redye it. Screw it, I'll just curl it. That's good enough, maybe mom won't notice.

"Hey mittens..." Em called opening my door. "I told you not to call me that"

"That's why it's funny." She responded, walking up behind me. "You want some help?"

"Fine" I handed her the curling iron, and hair spray. "So today's a big day huh?" She continued. "Yeah I guess it is."

"You guess you have been waiting almost your whole life for today, Amity Blight Hexside's valedictorian."

"I know I don't know it's just... it's nothing" I dropped my shoulders. "Are you almost done?" I asked changing the subject. "Yes, yes soon enough"

"Mittens..." Ed announced walking in."Great, what do you need Ed?"

"Personally nothing, at the moment anyways. But mom wants you down stairs"

"What time is it?"I asked, trying to turn my head to look at my clock. "Hey stay still, currently holding a hold rod to your head" Em said trying to stop me from turning my head. "Ed what time is it?" I called. "Ugh, 10:45" He squinted towards the clock. "I still have 15 minutes" I muttered under my breath.

After Em finished my hair I shooed them both out so I could get changed. "Everything I ever wanted" I told myself looking in the mirror before heading out my door. If this was everything I ever wanted, why did I feel so empty?

"Smile," Mother said, holding up her scroll. I plastered on the best smile I could. "Ed Em join your sister will you?" They were soon by my side for the picture.

After the numerous pictures we all headed down to the school. I walked back behind the stage that was set up for the ceremony. "Hey Bosh"

"Hey, here is your stupid validvictorain ribon or whatever" She said putting the ribbon over my shoulders. "Thanks" I responded by adjusting it. I saw her chuckling in the corner of my eye. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, you're just short." She said, continuing to laugh. "Really you've known me for over a decade and the best insult you can come up with is I'm short." I said, crossing my arms. "Can't mess with the classics."

"I hate you" I mumbles under my breath.


I took my seat next to the other students and settled down to listen to Bump's long speech. I knew it was going to be a long speech after attending Ed and Em's graduation ceremony.

The graduation class was so big this year. Seriously, there were so many people. And since I was the valedictorian I got to go last, so I just sat there scanning the audience. I found my parents and siblings in the first row, mom with her scroll in hand. Boscha's parents are next to them. I counted there must have been about 200 people out there. God, when was my name going to be called. This was so long. I went on to examine all of the other students' plants, some had a couple decent looking flowers, others looked like the plant had barely survived.


This was it. I slowly sat up and walked towards the front of the stage. Thanked principal Bump, shook his hand, paused for the pictures and took the golden pair of clippers.

The flowers were actually quite beautiful, I was very proud. As I took them in my arms and turned back to the crowd something caught my eye. I don't know how I didn't see her before. A human was in the audience.

But why was she waving at me? Did she think she knew me? I had never seen a human before in my life. Was she just being friendly? Maybe. But something about her just seemed so familiar.

I tried to shake this human girl from my head as I smiled for the pictures.

But what was a human doing here?

After the ceremony was over I went to find my family. Honestly I wasn't looking that hard, I was just kinda wandering through the crowd talking to my now, former classmates.

Suddenly something had hugged me from behind. "Hey what are you doing?!" I exclaimed, pushing the stranger off me. It was the human girl again.

"Amity I missed you so much!" The human cheered. How did she know my name? Your name was just announced on stage stupid, of course she knows who you are. But she said she missed me, wouldn't that mean that we had met. But we hadn't... right?

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I responded still confused. "Amity it's me Luz" She said gesturing towards herself. I gave her a confused look, expressing that I had clearly never seen her before.

"A-Amity" She said shakily, taking a step back. "It's me L-Luz" She said with tears in her eyes. "You must have me confused with someone else"

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