Rising Roses

790 31 16

Luz pov-
I sent a message to Amity that morning asking if she wanted to go out and walk around town for a bit when I heard Eda call me down to the living room.

"Morning kiddo" She said as she sat down on the couch with a cup of apple blood. I flopped down on the other end of it, noting that a certain minty haired witch sitting in the can across from us.

"Hey Raine" They gave me a soft smile in return. "I bet you're curious why I'm around this early."

"Not really, I know you make Eda happy" I said as I turned to glance at Eda, who was giving me the side eye. "Anyway we had something we wanted to tell you, plus I'm not sure King can keep this a secret much longer. Not that I'd want to"

"What is it? Is Belos back, is something else wrong? Oh god what's wrong now?" I began to ask frantically, thinking of all the worst case scenarios.

"No nothing like that" Eda looked to Raine who suddenly looked flustered. "Don't look at me I'm not telling her, it's too much pressure. Plus she's your kid."

"Yours as well soon technically speaking" I looked between the two of them, and then to King who looked like he might explode.

"Well lets just say-" Eda began but King cut her off climbing onto the coffee table making his announcement.

"They're getting married, Eda proposed to Raine, well Raine tried to prose first but then they slipped trying to take the ring out-"

"Thank you King-"

"And then Eda fell over her own two feet when she was trying to get their ring out, and then..."

"Thank you King I'll take it from here" Eda partially gritted between her teeth. King climbed down off the table and climbed onto my lap.

"Tell me the full story later?" I whispered, he nodded with a smile.

I was so happy for Eda, she needed someone. Someone like Raine. They just fit together.

"So when's the big day?" I asked eagerly. "The day after tomorrow," Eda said calmly. "And you waited this long to tell me?" I exclaimed.

"Well you had your own little thing going on now didn't you" Eda replied. "Yeah so"

"You really think you would been able to handle this on top of all of that, I can see you basically bouncing up and down as we speak."

I looked down and became more aware of my body, everything inside of me was just so excited and so happy.

"Okay yeah whatever, what can I do to help?" I asked eagerly.

We spent the rest of the day putting all the little last minute pieces together. Lilith came over and altered Eda's suit for her. While getting into some argument over color choices.

The alternation took little under an hour but their small argument seemed to last a whole other. Eda's suit was a deep red with gold lining all the ends.

Lilith told me that Rian's suit was white with matching gold on the trim. I had made plans to go out and pick the "flowers'' for the ceremony woth willow and Gus. I had texted Amity but she hadn't responded yet.

King had suggested Snapping Dragons but I voted against that, I had a bad feeling that the name was a bit too literal. We decided on a plant called rising roses. Apparently they grew more beautiful the happier the people were around them were. They would rise depending on the emotion around them.

As I helped King clean up after dinner I saw a message pop up from Amity. 'I'd love to. See you tomorrow morning'

I smiled at the message. I was debating on telling her tomorrow or after the wedding. I was planning on taking her to the human realm, now that I had successfully made a stable portal.

I wanted her to meet Mama, and Vee, and show her around. The human world to her was simply the stories I had told, I wanted to be able to share my world with her as she had with me.

Although we don't have monsters that would eat your skin off your body, it's still a bit interesting. Definitely different from the boiling isles.

As I sat in the room that I had once called my home for many months I started going through all the stuff that accumulated over time.

To my surprise, I don't think Eda used it as a storage space while I was gone. I opened the close and pulled out a shoe box I had filled with pictures. I started to sift through them. I'm glad I had taken all these.

Though as great as they all were I feel like some of them were missing. I swore I had a bit more. Shrugging I carefully put the box back, continuing to look around the room. There was a stack of journals in the corner. They were books and journals concerning the portal.

Amity probably used them while she was trying to build her portal, man I'm not sure how long ago that was. It feels like so much time has passed since I was here last.

I can't help but feel guilty about not being back sooner. I kept replaying the events in my head. If I had only been successful at making the portal the first time around maybe I would have been able to help Amity sooner or who knows maybe I could have stopped it. Maybe I could have saved her all that pain and confusion.

There's no use dwelling on that Luz, I told myself. You'll only just throw yourself back into that deep hole. It honestly feels like I had just recently been able to get out of it. There is no way I'm going back to that way of living so soon.

Feeling like you're nearly just watching your own body like a ghost. Like there is no point in getting out of bed since you will only just return to the safety of your sheets within a few hours. I'm not going to fall back into that endless void.

Not again, not while I have her.

"Luz, Luz, Luz, Luz" Something was poking my head, as I lifted it off the floor. "Yes" I replied duly sitting up. Turning my head to look around the room I had apparently fallen asleep on the carpet last night, I'm guessing Eda had given me the quilt that now just fell off my shoulders.

I got up pulling on Eda's old letterman jacket, and my hat and headed out the door with King. I could hear Eda still sleeping down the hall, or it could have been the living room. Whatever, it doesn't really matter.

We met up at the grove Willow had talked about and began to gather all the rising roses we could carry. We got a variety of colors, mostly reds, some organs as well. There were so many that we had picked Amity had created an abomination to carry the majority of them. As we left Willow had cast more seeds to sprout in place of all the roses we took, as we headed back to the owl house the sky started to change to brilliant colors of golden oranges and pinks.

Thank you all for your persistent patience with me, and thank you for reading. I have been writing this story now for just about over a year. Crazy isn't it? Anyway I promise I'll have another chapter out before December💜

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