Memory lane

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Luz's pov-
I heard the lock on the door rattle as Ed and Em came through the door. There she was lulled to sleep in Em's arms. A tear ran down my face. I hated that I had let this happen to her, she was probably so confused, and I wasn't there to protect her.

"Luz relax she's fine" Ed tried to reassure me. "Yeah this spell is harmless, parents use it to put their children to sleep sometimes" Em added as she laid Amity on the couch.

We all waited for Eda to come back with Raine. It felt like a million years sitting there. "So what do I have to do agian?" I asked nervously.

"All you have to do is enter her mind, and fix the memories our mom burnt the shit out of." Ed explained calmly. Em shot him a dirty look. "Yes but remember that there is some kind of lock I guess on the memories, or something like that because Ed and I tried for hours and we got nowhere."

"Don't forget inner Amity" Ed added. "Will inner Amity remember me?" I asked sheepishly. "Not sure" Ed replied, tapping his chin. "I bet a part of her will, but I would try and stay out of her way for as long as you can."

"I need a minute"

I walked up stairs to my room, closing the door quietly, this seems so wrong.  And I know that we went into Willow's mind, and fixed it before, and she's fine. But something about this just seems different...

I heard little claws tapping on my door. "Ummmm, Luz. Eda's here, they need you"

God, my stomach hurts. Deep breath, deep breath, everything will be fine.

As I followed King down the stairs I watched as everyone's eyes turned to me. They all expected me to do this.

The following minutes just blurred together. Everyone's movements just seemed to swell together. Until Eda handed me a bell.

"You know the drill, ring this when you're done," Eda said, giving me a half smile. "Thanks" I replied looking down. "I'm ready" I closed my eyes as I heard Raine cast the spell.

What I saw when I opened my eyes will forever remain in my mind. A memory lane in complete and utter shambles...

I wanted to fall to my knees and cry, there were scorch marks everywhere along with small pink fires. I spun around keeping an eye out for inner Amity. I honestly don't know if I wanted to confront her or not.

As I started to walk down the lane and tried to spot the memories I would need to fix, when one caught my eye. It was the cafeteria at Hexside. I think I know what this memory is.

A smile shifted to my face remembering our first encounter, she had leapt across a table accusing me of not actually being Willow's abomination.

This is where it really began, crazy enough as it is. I reached my hand out to step through the frame, but I couldn't. I tried over and over again. Pretty soon I was full on body slamming into frame. Ugh Luz thinkkkk! Ed and Em said that there was some kind lock? Key? I dunno.

I sunk down next to the tree, what was I going to do? I looked around trying to see if there was anything I could use to maybe break though. But everything was torched.

Then I noticed something: the trees were different colors, I guess you call it. Some of them seemed to have this tint of purple or pink, while most of them didn't. I turned around to look at the tree I was at, it had the coloration too.

There was a spell cast on certain memories. I continued to walk down the lane. On our memories. That was it, now I had to find the inner Amity.

This task turned out not as easy as one would think. I know if I was trying to avoid her, she would be right in front of me. But because I am looking for her, she is nowhere to be seen. How fitting.

So where would inner Amity be, the twins said that their mom had control over her, so would she be here too then? This was all so confusing. I continued to walk as I heard a voice growing louder in the distance. I started to run towards it, was it possibly inner Amity?

I suddenly came to a stop. There she was, but she was perfectly still, like she was awaiting her next order. Then she recognized the voice. Odalia

"Amity, you are to come home immediately!" It shouted. This was also confusing, if this was like a link to the real world then how could Amity be hearing her mother right now she was at the owl house with all of them. This didn't make any sense.

I walked up closer observing Amity closely as she continued to stand there in this dream-like state. When it all came to a stop, as her mother's voice left the air. But that meant that the inner Amity was back... oh hell...

I didn't want to fight her, I had to be careful with how I handled this. I didn't want to risk damaging her even more. "Who are you?"  The dull sounding Amity spoke. "It's me Luz," I tried to explain. She lit a fire ball in her hand. "It's Luz," I said again. The fireball is only growing in size. "Luz the human,"

I noticed a slight hesitation. But only for that second because soon I had a fire ball chucked at my head. I launched an ice glyph to try and stop it from creating another fire. Steam filling the air around us. But I know I hit a nerve, and I was going to run with this. "Yeah you know Luz the human, the girl with the glyphs" I said as I walked to my right.

The inner amity appeared beside me this time with an abomination. I used plants to restrain it for now. I was almost there.

"Remember I challenged you to a witch's duel..." I countied as I slipped behind a tree in the steam. "I took your place as Grom Queen so you didn't have to face your greatest fear" Amity flinched at the last sentence, she did remember something.

"You saved me from your mother, she almost smashed me into pieces. But you saved me" A fire blast flew by my ear as I leaped to my next location. "Hooty kidnapped you and I burnt down the tunnel of love..." I paused.

"All because I thought you were too cool for it all, I wasn't sure to ask out the coolest person I knew" I dashed behind another tree as I watched the inner Amity grab her hair in agony. 

"But in the end you asked me out before I could even get the words out, and when I finally did I couldn't believe you said yes" She fell to her knees.

"Amity you are my awesome girlfriend" I said running over to hug her from behind. Fat tears streamed down my face. "And I know you remember me" I felt her start to melt in my arms. "Please let me help fix what was destroyed" She didn't move.

"Let me fix this"

"Luz..." She called as turned to face me. "Amity I'm going to fix this" This was it I was going to get her back.

But then the moment ended.

"Amity you are to come home immediately!" Odalia's voice rang through the air. Just like that all my work was undone. She grabbed my arm spinning me so I was now facing the ground. I tried to reach for a glyph but I was out, I had used them all earlier.

"You are nothing to me" Those words hurt more than anything before, like a fire buring through my whole body.

She head leaned down to speak to me, an amulet now dangling in fort of my face. I had see one like this before, I knew what I had to do.

With the last ounce of my strength I grabbed her arm she was using to pin me, spinning her so she was now on the ground. Before she could do anything I grabbed the amulet off of her neck and smashed against the hard stone.

Shattering to pieces...

"Amity" I said softly softly as she sat up. "I'm going to fix this" I got up, giving the inner Amity a smile as I set off to fix the now unlocked memories.

I didn't realize how many there really were. But once it was done I gave inner Amity another look. "Luz '' she called with a smile as I rang the bell.

Okay sorry for the long wait, and unpublishing the story, so so sorry. But I'm back now, and hope you guys can forgive me. I will try my hardest to get another chapter out in the next week or so. 💜 💜💜

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