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Amity pov-
I stood there at the table as I watched Luz head back to the owl house. Willow met my gaze, she wore a look of deep concern for what was happening.

But nothing came out of my mouth, no words. She looked to the ground, then to the owl house where Luz had headed. As she put a hand on Gus's shoulder they turned to head down the hill.

Of course they would go after her first, all I had done was hurt them. After Luz tells them what's going on, then they'll definitely not come back. I wouldn't.

I slumped down in one of the chairs, picking at the roses. Why was I such a pushover, if I could have just confronted her years ago, then all of this... all of this wouldn't even be an issue.

Raising my hand, I cast a mirror in front of me. I couldn't go back down there, not looking like this. Plus if anyone were to ask me what was wrong, I would break down instantaneously. Right there on the spot.

I had screwed up so badly, the last thing I needed to do was make a scene at Eda's wedding. I knew this night meant everything to Luz, I didn't need to make it worse by adding my drama.

After checking to see if anyone was watching or even cared that I was up there anymore I swiftly headed out the back wandering into the forest. As soon as I was far enough out  I could just ride Ghost back to the mansion, or somewhere else.

Maybe I should go somewhere else. Just cut my ties here, fake my death... probably not but I could. I could just go missing, like Em's ex fiance. Run away, never have to see them ever again. I'm sure the twins would hunt me down somehow. Mom might honestly just give up, and be happy I'm not her problem anymore.

When I was just about to fly out of the woods I could sense something watching, someone listening. I spun around, taking in all my surroundings, searching for something out of place, or not right. Evidence that somebody was really there, this wasn't just me finally losing it.

The branches behind moved ever so slightly, I wasn't losing my mind. "I know you're there" I called, trying to sound as confident as possible, and not like there still wasn't the slightest chance that I was talking thin air.

"Wow look at that, I guess you do have some brains in you after all" Connor's head sounded out of thin air following the rest of his body. We stood eye to eye, neither one of us breaking eye contact.

"Were you stalking me?" I blurted out keeping the 3 foot gap between us. "Is it really stalking if you're my bride?" he said, followed by a wide smirk.

I hated the way he said that, I hated his presence, I hated his very existence at this moment. Every inch of my body repulsed him. Every last bit wanted to run, but then he would tell. I can tell he's a snitch by a mile, especially if it comes to getting his way. My guess is that he wants nothing to do with me, I'm simply a pawn on his board. An empty vessel if you will. Maybe after my inheritance.

"Do you need something? Or is there some other reason that you're following me around" asked, ignoring his previous question.

"I liked it better when I asked the questions." He replied, taking a step forward. I swallowed a hard breath, he was probably confused by my sudden actions, I was still pieces together who I actually was while my mind was erased. But based on this conversation, I'm going to say I was definitely someone else.

"Well I think that can go both ways... back to my question. What are you doing out here?" I asked coldly.

"You're different" his tone shifted. "Bold of you assume I had to stay the same." I snapped back. A look of disgust shifted over his face. "You see? Like that. A month ago you wouldn't have dared uttered a word against me."

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