Pinky swear

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(That same morning)

Luz pov-
I don't think I could stay here knowing Amity was with some other guy. It would eventually tear me apart. It was tearing me apart. I had to get out of here, just for a bit. Maybe one day I could come back and be happy for her.

Tossing some shirts and other clothes in a backpack I gathered what little stuff I had brought. It shouldn't have taken long, there really wasn't that much stuff, but I guess I wasn't really in a hurry to leave. Pulling on Eda's letterman jacket I headed down the stairs.

But I had to, otherwise all I would do would get in Amity's way, and make it more painful for myself, and maybe her. This had to be hard for her too right? Surely she still cared a little bit. Either way leaving was the best option, for the both of us.

"I'll be back soon, I promise" I tried to reassure Eda and King, as I gave them one last hug. "You actually have to come back soon this time kido" Eda said, still not releasing her from the hug. "I promise, the portal is a lot more stable this time, I think it will hold much better. Besides it's at the shed by the grundgby field if you want to stop by."

"But why do you have to leave again? You just got back" King whined holding Francois tightly. "I know King, I'm sorry it's just with Amity and this whole thing... I just can't be here right now." I admitted. "I shall capture her, and keep her as my prisoner under lord Francois rule, and you two will make up I demand it!" He yelled. A sad smile formed on my face. "King no you aren't taking any prisoners-"

"You know that's not actually a bad idea King, but I was thinking..." Eda began.

"Eda no you aren't going to do anything to her, and neither are you King, just- just leave her be."

There was a long trail of silence that followed afterwards. I wasn't sure what to say or even what to do really. But I had to do something, something was better than nothing. Right?

"Maybe that's what went wrong, I just rushed into everything too fast. Maybe I should have given her more time and space to process everything'' I said quietly, speaking my thoughts aloud. "Maybe if I did something different then-"

"Hey that's a good way to drive yourself crazy kid, you'll never know what would or wouldn't have happened for sure. Just do what you think is right." She said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I nodded, giving them all one last hug before heading out the door.

Before walking into the woods I used a plant glyph to grow a little plant in one of Eda's few pots she called a garden. I wasn't sure if it would be alive when I got back, but it was still worth a shot. Maybe Raine or Willow would keep it alive.

I missed walking through the woods in the Boiling Isles, they were so different from the one's in Connecticut. Although I bet they would be different from pretty much any forest in the human realm.

Before I knew it I was looking at the shed door, checking to see if anyone was around. I pushed it open. It was still there, small little sparkles falling from the open portal like a mist. Honestly I was a bit surprised that I was able to make something so stable, but the one journal I brought with me helped, it said that if a portal had a constant more reliable energy source the more stable and secure it would be.

I had found an old power line and had used that in the human realm, guess it was still going. Now all I had to do was step through, just step through the portal, and give Amity some space. So I can have some space...

I took a step closer, moving my hand in and out of the portal. I couldn't do it. I couldn't leave, not yet. After everything that had happened, the first portal blowing up in the human realm, Amity's memories getting burned, fixing those memories. Could I really just give her up to some guy who yells at her. Who makes her upset?

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