Dancing In The Rain

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I know I finished this story like forever ago but here's the little bonus chapter I talked about, it's just a big fluff ball honestly, but I thought it was fitting considering it's pride month! Hope you enjoy!!!

(Some time later)
Luz pov
"Come on we have to get up, '' I nudged Amity awake from the pile of  fuzzy blankets. She gave an unapproving sound in response. "I have coffee ready whenever you are, but you know Vee also likes her coffee like this so..."

"I'm up" She said sitting upwards. "I may share a lot of things but coffee isn't one of them."

"I know," I replied laughing to myself before planting a kiss on her forehead. "I'd never give your coffee away"

I left the cup on top of the dresser and headed downstairs to greet Mama and Vee. "Who took the last cup?" 

"Oh that was me sorry" I admitted. "You don't have a cup" She said, eyeing me down. "Fine, I gave it to Amity."

"Trator," She said as went to grab more coffee beans.

At that moment Amity walked down stairs with the coffee cup in hand. "Morning coffee stealer."  Vee said, turning around. "Oh sorry."Amity said as she sat down at the table. "So what are we doing today, not that it actually matters but Em won't stop messaging me on my scroll. I think I need to bring her next time." Amity said.

"I think you'll like what I have planned. We're actually going to head into town today"

Amity's eyes looked up from her mug. "Sounds fun, anything in particular?"

"I have something in mind but it's a surprise," I said with a smile. After we all ate, I packed a bag with some snacks before we headed out the door. Amity was persistent on questioning our destination. But I was determined to keep it a secret, plus I thought it would be easier to understand if she saw it first anyway.

As we began to walk down the street, all the colors and decorations started into view. "Luz what is this?" Amity asked, taking my hand.

"This is what we call a pride parade"

She gave me another confused look. "It's a safe place where people can be who they want to be." I said, holding her hand tighter as I led her deeper into the street.

"I'm not sure I understand," She said timidly, looking around at all the booths. I gave her a soft smile, squeezing her hand. "What you went through with your mom, and that whole ani girls date girls thing isn't as uncommon as you would think sadly" I explained leading her into a face painting booth. "But here people get to celebrate it. We get to celebrate it."

I handed the booth manager their due and started to use the colors to mark the bi flag on my check. Amity looked at me with a confused smile, as I finished.

I gestured for her to sit on the stool beside me, as I grabbed the pink and oranges. "It might tickle," I warned her as I began to paint the strips.

"I know you guys have all the LGBTQ+ terms in the boiling isles, here we use the same ones as well. But everyone has a flag, colors to represent them. These are the ones for people who are Bi" I continued to explain as I pointed at the flag I hand painted on my check. "And these are yours Ams" I spun her towards the mirror.

I began to hug her from behind as she began to look at the strips. Her eyes started to water as she gently touched the colors.

God, she looked so happy. That's all I wanted for her. I felt bad that she had such a bad experience with her parents, so much so that she had to leave her house, and I was always accepted at my home. But I would make her feel loved and supported for exactly who she was.

"So those are the bi colors, and these are the lesbian ones?" She asked, confirming the color pallets. I nodded. "They're beautiful"

I had to wipe a stray tear off my check, it felt silly to be this happy over showing  someone something as simple as flag colors. But her reaction was everything I needed.

"You said that the way Odila acted wasn't uncommon, do they have a name or something then too?" She asked, looking up at me.

I couldn't help giving her a mischievous smile" Yeah we do, there are a couple variations of course" I said in a fancy accent. "A personal favorite of mine is homophobic bench."

We both laughed until we lost our breath, leaving the booth clutching our stomachs from laughter. We honestly don't talk about Amity's parents much anymore, there didn't seem to be any reason to. It just brought up unnecessary pain, I think she was fine now leaving it in the past.

"Come on, you're gonna love this" I grabbed her hand, and brought her further out into the street. Pulling out two rainbow flags, I handed one to her. I helped her tie it around her like a cape before I did the same. 

People were filling the streets more now as we made our way into the crowd. Some were dancing to the music that filled the streets, others just strolling. I swear the look on Amity's face could melt glaciers, her smile so bright and contagious.

The streets were filled with music and laughter. As I looked up a drop landed on my nose, within a couple of minutes it was pouring with small bits of sun splintering through the clouds.

Some people had left the main road to wait out the rain in the booths but we continued to walk. Unlike at the boiling isles Amity began to love the rain here. She would ask to go on walks every time it was raining while we visited.

"May I have this dance?" Amity asked suddenly, curtsying with her flag. I smile brightly. "Always" I replied, taking the hand she offered, and began to dance through the streets.

"I always want to make this happy Amity" I said as we paused for a moment, swaying in place. "But you don't need to be silly." She replied as we began to move again. "Because if I have you, I always will be"

It feels weird to finally say this but this is actually the end. Thank you for sticking around over almost 2 years while I wrote this. Your comments and support was sometimes the only thing keeping me writing at times. So thank you bunches. I hope you enjoyed this at least half as much as I enjoyed writing this. Also feel free to let me know of any other ideas or stories you might want, I'm open to suggestions.

Love you all


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