Boiling Point

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Amity pov-
As I got up Ghost was pawing at my forehead. When I tried to swat him away, he leapt from the bed and dashed towards the balcony. I squinted at the door, there was a piece of paper stuck to the glass.

But as I got up to see what it was, Em burst through my other door. "Hey umm, 5 minute warning Mom's gonna be up soon and she's gonna want to get things going" She said quickly.

"Oh my Titan it's a mess in here, what's going on?" She asked, finally looking to meet my eyes. "I told Luz"

"Oh" She went quiet, suddenly looking at the ground. "So I'm going with it didn't go well"

I nodded, but what I really wanted to do was yell, of course it didn't go well Emera, since when has it ever gone well telling your girlfriend that while she was erased from your mind that you are not only seeing somebody else but that you are engaged to him. Of course it didn't go well.

I took a deep breath, "I know it's a mess but it's been hard to get around it with everything going on" She nodded as she noticed the paper taken to the balcony window.

"Somebody left you something" She said as she carried in a couple of boxes, I recognized the hand writing. "Can you give me a minute, before they all try to plan out my entire life."

"Oh yeah of course" As she left the room, I pulled over a long sleeve dress and then proceeded to pick up the note once again.

It's up to you. Were the words written on a small piece of paper.

I set it down and picked up one of the first boxes when my mother burst through the door. "Amity everything's all set up down stairs- oh my titan, we'll get an abomination in here to fix all of this" She said looking down in disapproval.

"Come along now" Setting it down I followed behind my mother leaving the boxes behind.

The living room looked like a bridal shop had thrown up on it, dresses and fabrics of all sorts were all over. I saw someone who I didn't recognize, most likely the seamstress.

Then there were the O'Connors, they wore similar expressions as my mother. Barf

My mother greeted Connor's mother and who I now know is Connor's older sister. Already wed, about two years ago now apparently. Mrs. O'Connor went on and on about the great wedding that was, and how she expected nothing less for her son. Her precious little boy.

The seamstress started pulling all sorts of old looking wedding dresses from the piles filling the room. While I just sat down and tried to focus on just about anything else.

The sun wasn't shining as much through the windows when I first woke up. Clouds started to fill the horizon as far as I could see. Fitting

"So this is a more conservative option, the sleeves are quite long, and should check all of the boxes. There still are other options of course."

"Check what boxes exactly, I never remember talking about all of this" I said standing up abruptly. It might have been a little too quickly, I had knocked over a tray an abomination was carrying. A combination of drinks suddenly spilling over my dress, the abomination and the rest of the family staring at me in the process.

"I think I'm going to go upstairs and change, really quick." I said shortly, turning to leave. "Make it fast now" My mother muttered, turning back to the dresses.

I practically sprinted up the stairs and through the doorway. After changing into less sticky clothes I saw the boxes sitting there. I felt as if they were staring at me, calling to me.

The others can wait.

I picked up the closest box carefully opening it, to reveal tons and tons of photos that I had saved from over 2 years ago. These weren't just any random boxes, this was all the stuff I or my mom had once tried to throw out, that the twins had saved. I had looked so happy, we had looked so happy, and now everything was a mess. It felt like she had given me everything and I was just pulling up short.

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