In the dark

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Luz pov-
Why? Why was this happening, after everything that I had to go through to make it make it to her, and now? And now she acts like she has never seen me before. My thoughts were racing as I continued to sit there punching my pillow, tears running uncontrollably down my face.

I stopped for a second to catch my breath when I heard faint whispering outside of the door. I knew instantly that it was Eda, and King. "Hey kiddo," Eda said awkwardly, as she walked in. King followed cautiously behind her. "Look, I don't really know what to say here exactly..." Her sentence trailed off. "Really I can think of something, how about, hey Luz just to give you a heads up your girlfriend is like a completely different person now, and doesn't remember who you are"

I watched shock fill Eda's face. I instantly felt bad for snapping, it wasn't her fault. "I'm sorry Eda, I shouldn't have said that" I admitted, ashamed of my actions. "Look kid I know we should have told you about Boots but... honestly we don't really know what happened either." She explained, shaking her head.

"Uuuggghhh, " I yelled into my pillow. "I just don't understand," I said, sitting back up. "Well when you first left she was her all the time." Eda explained. "And she means all the time." King emphasized. "Really?" I felt a spark light inside me.

"Oh yeah, she would come by and do her homework, bake with King, and study those portable notebooks for hours, for a good while a day didn't go by that we wouldn't see her."

I sat there thinking about everything Eda was telling me. She was here? All the time? But now she doesn't even know who I am. "So what happened?" I asked eagerly. "We don't know, one day she just stopped, all together. No goodbyes, nothing. A bit rude if you ask me."

"So just like that it all stopped?"

"Just like that." Eda sighed. "Doesn't anyone know anything? What about Lilith?" I suggested. "I already asked if she did, she's been back home with our parents so she said they hadn't been in touch really." She explained. "What about the twins?" King asked with a yawn, as he curled up at the end of my bed. "The twins of course, they would know, they just have to!" I exclaimed. A bit of hope flittered inside me. They would know. They have to.

The twins had arrived at the owl house sooner than I would have imagined, before I knew it they were knocking on the door. "Hey Luz" They said in sync.

"Hey guys, thanks for coming'' I said awkwardly, as we all sat down in the living room. "So what's on your mind?" Em asked, turning to face me. "Well... feel kinda awkward asking this cause there might just be a very clear answer but.." I took a breath. "What happened to Amity? Did I do something? Is she really that mad? I didn't mean to be gone that long I swear but-" Eda placed her hand on my shoulder which snapped me out of the spiral.

The two just sat there a second, glanced at each other and then turned to look back at me before saying anything.

"Mittens..." Ed said with a sigh. "Look there is no easy way to really say this but..." The next minutes all swirled into one blur, I couldn't think straight. "Luz, Luz" Em was snapping her fingers in front of my face. "What yeah I'm here"

"Did you get any of that?" She asked. I looked down signaling that I clearly still had no idea what was going on. Em took another deep breath. "So a couple months after you left she wanted to surprise you for her birthday." She started.

"Really?" I asked quietly. Ed nodded. "So she planned this trip to go and see you, she built a portal and everything. Had every last detail planned out."

"I still don't get it" I asked, confused. "It was all fine til our mom found out, she was pissed, like, burn a house down angry. Or in this case I guess burn a portal down angry."

"She burnt the portal?"

They both nodded. "After that she was still the same person, just sadder. But she still remembered you" Ed explained. "What do you mean by still remembered me?"

"We don't know exactly when it happened, and we only guess that it was our parents doing but..." Em paused like she was holding her breath. "You were burnt out of her memory"

My jaw dropped. I recalled when Amity had accidentally burnt Willow's memory but that was an accident, and we fixed it. I mean but to do that to your own daughter.

"Well can't you fix it, there was a similar incident with Willow, and we were able to get her memory back just fine."

"Believe me we have tried, but inner Amity is not possible to cooperate with." Ed shivered at the memory. "What's so difficult about inner Amity, she's just a kid?" Eda asked. I had honestly forgotten that she was there for a second. "What's so difficult is that inner Amity is now controlled by our mom. So it's pretty much impossible to access the burnt memories. However..." Em said looking me straight in the eyes.

"I think you could"

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