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Amity pov-
I felt Eda and King's eyes on me as I left the owl house. I didn't want to let them down, I didn't want to have an effect on their relationship with Luz too, but I guess that's kinda what it came to now.

Even though it still wasn't dark yet the woods felt unwelcoming as if it were the middle of the night. Like something was watching me, following me.

As we crossed onto Hexside grounds Ghost leapt ahead and started pawing at the back of a wooden shed. I smiled as I walked around to the front to find the door. But I didn't open it. What if I just mess everything up even more, maybe I just need to let her have some space. Maybe she doesn't need me.

"Care to ask me what my bride to be is doing in the woods this late?" A voice called from behind me. I spun around to see Connor creeping out the shadows.

"Were you stalking me again?"

"I thought I already told you it doesn't count if we're married" He replied, walking closer. "We are not getting married!" I shouted.

He seemed taken back by the response, in one motion he moved forward so that I walked back into the shed door. When he moved his hand as if he was going to touch me I ducked, swinging under his arm so we switched places.

"Come on, why are you being like this, so stubborn? I liked you better before." He said duly resting his chin in his hand. "I bet you did, but that was fake."

"What do you mean fake? We have a wedding date, everyone in my family is talking about it, and I thought your mother was thrilled. She loves me" he explained desperately.

"She loves your family's money," I said under my breath. "Plus didn't your family tell you what happened at the mansion this morning?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"I know," He said, pulling out the ring I had thrown away before leaving. "I was there, but I was sure I could change your mind"

"Oh my Titan what don't you get about it, I never am and never will marry you, or any guy for that matter" I spat.

"But you already knew that... didn't you?"

He took a step away from the shed. "I know I can change things, change your little ideas, like your you know..."

"Are you referring to the fact that I have a girlfriend?" I asked. I decided to keep out the part that I might not actually have a girlfriend anymore. But it still wouldn't change anything. 

"So it was true"

"Of course it was true, even if it weren't I would never marry someone like you." He looked as if I had cracked his armor. Like some of this was maybe getting through.

"Look I don't have a choice and neither do you. This marriage has to happen. If it doesn't - well that can't happen." He said, pulling out the ring, playing with it between his fingers.

"How many more times do I have to say it, we are not-" He had drawn a circle summoning a couple of potions to his hands. He threw one, as it shattered vines that grew in all directions from the glass.

"Are you actually doing this, all because I don't want to marry you" I said, my staff ready in my hands. He didn't respond, he just pulled out another bottle with purple liquid and threw it my way. An abomination rising from the glass shards, drawing a circle in the air above it I took control over the abomination goo, and created a bigger stronger abomination of my own to go after him.

Move vines burst from bottles as I continued to stand my ground. The smartest decision would have been to fly off on ghost, I know he could have out ran him. But the portal was here, Luz in a way was here. I couldn't risk anything happening while I circled round.

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