The Promise

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Luz pov-

"Does it work?" Asked the purple haired witch staring nervously at the portal. "I'm not sure" I admitted taking Amity's hand. This was our fourth attempt at making a portal back to the human realm.

I took a deep breath, still holding onto Amity's hand I slowly stepped through. It actually worked. I was now standing half in the abandoned house. After ensuring that it was the right place I stepped back through to the demon realm. "Well..." Amity asked nervously. "It works!" I exclaimed pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you mi amor" I whispered.

"Hey, what about me?" King whined, I had completely forgotten that he was there. "You too, King." I laughed, picking up the small demon. But the laughter soon stopped and was replaced with a long silence. I looked up to meet Amity's gaze. I loved her golden eyes, but the longer we stood there the more they started to fill with tears.

"Hey, don't worry Amity. Once I get everything sorted out with my mom I'll make another portal and I'll be back" I tried to reassure her. "You promise?" She asked, grabbing the hem of her dress. She always did that when she got nervous. "I promise, besides how can I not come back when I have such an awesome girlfriend" I replied with a faint laugh, a small smile formed on her face.

"Just come back"

I looked at Amity, of course I would come back. I I loved her, I could never really leave her. But she looked as if she didn't know that. I planted a small kiss on her forehead before saying goodbye to Eda and King. "Hey this isn't goodbye forever you know" Eda said as I hugged her tightly. "I know, I know but you guys are like my family, and I'm gonna miss you guys" I replied releasing Eda from my hug. "We're gonna miss you too kiddo, it won't be the same around here, it'll be quieter that's for sure."

I smiled at Eda and gave King a hug, bringing me back to Amity. "How long will you be away?" She asked, looking at the ground. "I don't really know, but it will be year tops, I promise. I don't think I could go much longer anyways-" Amity cut me off. "Luz" She paused. "Thank you" I smiled.

"Alright kid, here's your key, it should have enough titans blood for you to get back. I gave Boots the other one." She gestured towards Amity. I nodded and put the key around my neck.

I turned around looking at the portal, and then back at them,as I felt Amity grab my hand. "Just for a year?" She asked again. "I promise" I said, kissing the top of her hand before finally stepping through the portal. I felt her finger tips slip from mine until I was on the other side. I reached for the key turning to look back but nothing was there, the portal had closed.

I took a second to take in the old house, it looked run down as ever, the floor creaked as I walked across.

The sun was blinding at first sight but it was nice to see the yard, and to hear normal sounds again. As I was taking it all in, I was greeted by Vee.

"Luz!" The basilisk exclaimed. "You're finally here" Vee took my hand, leading me to the front porch . "Your mom is gonna be so happy to see you again" Vee continued as we approached the house, I paused at the door.

"Was she mad?" I asked nervously. I don't know why I was asking that of course she was mad. I told that I chose to run away and stay in the demon realm, and that I couldn't find any way out without building a portal to cross over realms. "I think at first maybe, but she honestly just missed you Luz" I nodded as I slowly opened the door. "Mama?"

"MI HIJA" My mom called as she ran to the door pulling me into a tight hug tears streaming down her face. It felt so good to see her again after all this time. I have so much to tell her. "Oh my goodness you're finally here, and you've gotten so big" She said, still holding on. "I missed you too Mama"

It felt weird to be back here, the house looked the same. The only big difference was that Vee also lived there now.

While my mom made dinner I went upstairs to my room. The Azura posters were still on the walls, along with the figures and books. There was now a bunk bed, and some stuff I didn't recognize, probably Vee's.

I threw myself back on the bottom bunk, turning to look at the pictures on the nightstand before taking a folded picture out of my pocket, and placed it against one of the frames. It was a group picture from Grom. Looking at the picture brought back many memories, other than almost getting destroyed by some school demon, it was one of the best nights of my life. I kept replaying the night over and over again until Mama called. "Coming Mama"

As soon as I sat down I took a moment to just look at the food, it looked so normal, I hadn't eaten any real human food in about a year. "I missed your cooking Mama"

"I'm glad you like it." Mama replied with a smile. "So I'm ummm, excited to hear about this demon realm."

This was gonna take a while.

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