Date Night

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Amity pov-
Luz and I had agreed to meet at the Grom tree at 6pm tonight so I had about two hours to get ready. I had turned my closet inside out looking for something that felt right. It's weird, having parts of your memories blocked out for so long then to have them back. It feels like you don't know parts of yourself anymore or even parts of your life. Like you're shocked to see your own things, things feel so strange yet familiar.

Although the one thing I feared the most at this moment was acting out of place in front of my mom, then she would know something was off, and everything would be messed up again.

Before I realized where my feet had taken me I was standing in front of Em's door knocking. God this was going to be embarrassing, I can't believe I'm doing this. "Hey mittens" She called, opening the door, I felt my face heat up. "Nervous?" She asked as I walked in closing the door behind me. "What no?!"

"Cause it's okay if you are" She reassured me. "That's not why I'm here," I said, crossing my arms. "I'm here, I'm here because..." God this was embarrassing.

"My closet like really sucks right now, I think it was mom while my brain was all haywire but I was hoping you could..."

"Help?" She finished my sentence. I nodded sheepishly.

She had me sit on the edge of her bed while she went into her jungle of a closet and started to pull some things out laying them out on the floor. If I'm being honest I've always been jealous of her closet. Since mom had given up more on the twins, she seemed to care less about what they did.

"I like that one," I said, pointing to a blackish puffy long sleeve shirt. She nodded. "Okay we can work with this" She said, holding up the shirt, then looking back at her closet, then down at the mess of clothes on the floor.

"Am I acting weird?" I asked nervously. "What do you mean weird?"

"You know off, unusual, weird" I said as I twirled a piece of hair between my fingers. "Are you really that nervous, look I know things aren't exactly what you planned but Luz is still the same person who you feel for four years ago."

God it had really been four years since we met, a lot has changed. Although a part of me wished it hadn't.

"And as for you acting normal" She emphasized the last word. "I think today you've been acting the most like yourself in a long time. For one I haven't heard you be remotely excited about anything like this in a while"

"But isn't this all weird for you guys?''

"This whole thing? Nah, we're just happy to have you back"

"I was cold to you guys, wasn't I?" It hurt a bit admitting it out loud."I'm sorry, I don't want to blame on everything on mom but, I'm still so sorry Em"

"Hey it's okay, but that's the past isn't it? We can't get caught up on things like that now"

Why did she know exactly what to say? It was almost annoying how good at this she was. I'm glad I didn't push her away too far.

"Changing topics, how about this to go with the skirt?" She asked, holding up the chestnut colored fabric. "Actually, can I borrow that instead?' I said pointing to a dress sitting on the floor.

Em walked over to it holding it up. It was a shorter back dress with small gold stars printed over it. "Perfect"

Once I had it on I twirled around once or twice, it fit like a glove. The fabric was super soft, and the sleeves lay just past my elbows. As I stood in front of the front of the mirror my eyes soon shifted to my hair. It was the same minty color it had been for most of my life, with a bit of my brown roots showing at the top. But it was now quite a bit longer then the first time I met Luz, it now fell about 6 inches from my shoulders.
Em walked up behind me putting her hands on my shoulders. "We can dye it again if you want," She suggested.

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