She's back

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Luz pov-
I collapsed on the floor as I felt my feet land on the floor of the owl house. "Kid... " Eda called, helping me up. King ran to my feet grabbing onto my leg.

"Did you do it?" Em asked. I nodded slowly. "Alight, Ed, do you want to do the honors?" Em asked Ed. He raised his hand to undo the sleeping spell cast on Amity.

I can't do this.

As soon as I saw Ed draw the circle I bolted for the door. I sat up against the outside walls, looking out to the forest. "Hey kiddo boots is awake now, don't you want to go in and see her?" Eda asked, sitting down next to me.

"What if I messed up her memories even more, what if it did more damage then before and she doesn't remember Ed or Em, or anything!" I said frantically.

"You didn't mess anything up Luz" She said getting back up. "How do you know?" I asked sniffling. "I don't really know anything for sure, but let's just say I have a good feeling." She winked offering me a hand up.

I took it, now leaving me staring at the door. Memories erased or not. I hadn't seen her for almost three years. A lot can change. But for my sake I hope nothing had.

I slowly opened the door, the handle squeaking drawing everyone's attention to me as Eda and I reentered the room.

"Hi Amity" Were the only words that could escape my lips. "Luz..." She stayed seated on the couch. "Are you real? Are you really here?" I could hear her voice trembling. "Better late than never is what I always say"

"Luz" She called, running to where I stood in the entryway. Everything inside of me melted as I held her in my arms, I had her back and I was never letting go. "I'm back, I promise"

Tears of pure joy fell from eyes, I had her back. The real her. Nothing could touch this moment.

"You still remember us?" Ed joked. "Of course," She said with a smile, as we separated.  

"There's so much I have to tell you" She continued looking into my eyes. "Yeah me too" I replied with a smile.

This still didn't feel real, I had made it back kinda 1 for 2 on that, reunited with my friends and my girlfriend. It was almost hard to believe I went so long without her smile.

"So you remember me?" I asked timidly. "Some memories are a bit fuzzy but..." She started to explain. "But..." I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. "Your name is Luz Noceda, you used to wear what I think was a purple cat hoodie, you live here in the owl house with Eda, and King" She tapped her chin. "Oh yeah, and in your words I'm your awesome girlfriend"

My smile widened as I hugged her again. She really did remember, maybe I hadn't screwed up after all.

"How about we go out tonight?" I blurted out. " Just the two of us, and we can catch up on everything, it will be amazing just wait"

"Like a date?" Amity asked. "I do believe I owe you one of those now don't I?" I took a breath. "Amity Bight, will you go on a date with me?"

"Yes!" I could see the glimmer of excitement in her eyes. Maybe nothing had changed after all.

Hey everyone, first off THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS!!! Second sorry for the short chapter, but I promise there is more to come❤️

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