A Heavy Heart

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Amity pov-
I had tried to spend the most time I could with Luz without my mom getting suspicious. But time was hard to keep track of when I was with her. Each time I was with her everything else just drifted away. I so desperately wanted it to stay that way forever.

"Amity dear come down here please" Her voice rang like a thousand bells in my head. But I found my feet dragging me down the stairs.

"The O'Connors are coming over tonight, so do look your best tonight, okay? Maybe retouch your roots if you get the chance"

I had to turn around and hide my expression of disgust. "Of course"

I trudged up the stairs shutting the door behind me leaving me alone in my room. She must have felt good about herself all this time, finally being able to truly secure my actions. In my future.

Even though I was technically free, I've never felt more trapped. It was like being trapped in a body that was only partially mine. I turned to look at the bottle of hair dye sitting in the corner of my desk. It seems so stupid in the grand skem of things, to be upset over something as simple as the color of your hair. Though to me it felt like a trail of my being.
The dining room was dim as always, lit solely by candles placed about. I was between Ed and Em, who looked about as happy to be there as I was. Across from me was this dark haired teen, who looked more on the frailer side. With a mark on his chin similar to the twins.

I tried to keep my mind out of the conversations, they were almost soul sucking. "Connor, why don't you tell Amity about your recent studies." His mother said.

I had to keep myself from laughing, I couldn't quite remember the guy's name but Connor O'Connor, what a dreadful name. Silly almost.

Almost as dreadful as listening to him ramble his studies. He had joined the potions coven not too long ago and said he was on the fast track to being coven head soon. I just nodded along.

"They get along so wonderfully" The mother explained, setting down her glass. She spoke of us like we were children.

"I do think so," My mother agreed.

When he asked me about what coven I had joined, my thoughts froze. I never had turned in that letter, so therefore I wasn't actually in a coven at all. But that wasn't an acceptable answer.

"You see I actually-" The mother cut my sentence short.

"I really do apologize for interrupting you Amity dear but I have a question that I don't believe can wait." Mrs. O'Conner explained. I just shrugged taking a sip of water, being grateful that she had in fact interrupted me.

Conner kept giving me weird, kinda creepy look, I rolled my eyes trying my best to ignore him.

"I know, I have only brought it up once or twice, but I thought it was about time that we do this formally..."

Do what formally, brag about you excelling potion maker of a son?

"I would like to ask permission to extend a formal proposal Miss Amity Blight" Connor said looking now past me at my mother.

It felt almost impossible to hold back the water in my mouth from spraying all over the table. My eyes open wide as day. He said a proposal, like in marriage? He can't have ment marriage.

"She would be happy to accept '' My mother replied with a smile that nearly seemed sincere. Mrs. O'Conner clapped her hands together happily. "Oh wonderful day, I'm sure this will be a beautiful wedding"

Holy shit she actually meant marriage, they meant marriage, my mother had just accepted a wedding proposal for me.

My mouth hung open as I turned to look over at the twins, who looked just about as shocked as I was. I had remembered that we had been "dating" or whatever you would call this mess of a relationship, but even if I was the slightest bit interested in him... marriage was not my first thought. I was eighteen, just out of school, and my parents were already looking to settle me down. I had barely been able to get up.

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