Old Friends

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Hey guys sorry I haven't posted in while I have been really busy with finals, but I'm back now and will hopefully be able to write more.

2 years later

Luz pov-

I got up and looked in the mirror, my finger tracing along the scars on my arm. They were getting lighter but nonetheless they were still there. I reached for my brush, making sure that my hair covered a scar on my forehead. I don't know why this scar bothered me so much more than all the others. Everyday I looked at my reflection and I was reminded of my failure, all the trips to the doctor, to PT. I stared at the mirror again. Everything was going to be fine. This time it would work.

I said goodbye to Mama once again, before picking up my bag and heading to the door. "Luz?" She called out. I turned my head. "Be careful"


There I stood once again standing in front of my homemade inactive portal. Memories flooded my thoughts as I stood there. I was done being scared, though a part of me truly was scared trying again, but I was even more scared of having a future without Amity. God that girl made me into a simp.

Breathe... just breathe

I took out a small jar of titans blood that I had scraped off the last portal. Surprisingly Titans blood isn't flammable.

My mind went blank, but when I came back to reality I was shocked that I was no longer standing in the woods behind my house, but instead what looked like a sports shed.

Cautiously I stuck my head out of the doorway to see a familiar field. This was Hexside!

I walked a bit closer, it appeared that the grundgby team was practicing. I snapped myself out of the trance watching the practice had put me in. I missed it all so much. The owl house, I repeated in my head. Owl house first then magical witches sports.

The owl house looked the same as when I left, like nothing had changed. I carefully knocked on the door. Normally I would just walk in but I haven't shown up in a while so I just wanted to be polite.

"Hoot, who goes there?" The house demon asked. "It's me Hooty, Luz the Human" I said pointing to myself. "Yeah I don't think so. You're too tall, and what's with the hat. Luz never wore hats" I sighed. "Hooty it's been two years, of course I look different." Hooty went up and pushed his face up close to mine. Eyeing me closely. "Hooty enough already, I just want to see Eda and King." I could now see why Amity always thought he was annoying.

I tried to just open the door, but Hooty must have locked it. " Come on Hooty just let me in" I complained, pulling on the handle harder. "No can do stranger" He yelled, knocking me backwards. "HOOTY" I yelled out of frustration picking my hat off the ground.

"Hey what's going on down there" I heard a voice call from the window above. Eda.

"Listen kid if you're selling I'm not buying. Not cookies, and certainly not some coven mumbo jumbo" She yelled as I heard her start to close the window. "Eda wait"

I heard the window open again. I took a couple steps back from the door so I could see her fully."Luz?"

"Hey Eda"

The next thing I knew was I was in Eda's tight embrace. "I missed you kido" I was back, I was finally back, back for real.

We had gone into the living room, I thought that King was going to explode when he saw me. He was now sitting next to me on the coach as I started to tell Eda about the human realm. "Hey Eda, do you think you sent a message to Willow, Gus and Amity?" I asked."I want to surprise them."

She nodded, and opened her scroll. I can't believe it's been over 2 years since I had seen any of them. I wonder how much they had changed.

"Hey Eda, what did you need help with exactly? Cause we're not cleaning Hooty again" Willow's voice called from behind the door as she knocked. They were here. "You'll see," Eda answered as she opened the door.

"Guess who?" I asked, pulling off my beanie. "I'll give you a hint, she was once known as an abomination" I joked. Before I knew it I was in the middle of the two of them.

"Wow you guys look so different" I said, taking a step back to get a good look at them. They were both taller, I stood in the middle of them height wise. Being a couple inches taller than Willow, and only an inch or two shorter than Gus. Willow's hair had gotten longer, so much so that she had it pulled into a low messy bun with what looked like grown out bangs framing her face. Gus's face hadn't really changed that much, or his hair. The only major difference was he seemed to have grown a goatee.

"So how was the human realm?" Gus asked eagerly. "Yeah, we want to hear all about it..." Willow's voice dropped. "But why didn't you come back sooner? It's almost been 3 years Luz" I could hear the sadness in her voice.

"It's actually kinda an interesting story" I sat down on the couch next to them. "Well we're all ears" Gus siad, I could tell he was eager to hear all about the human realm. "Okay well it all started with..." My own thoughts cut my sentence short. "Wait, where's Amity?"

The room fell awkwardly quiet. "Guys?" I asked again. Willow looked at Gus who looked at Eda. "What's wrong?" I started to get frantic. "Oh my god did something happen to Amity?"

"She's fine," Eda replied at last. "Yeah, she's just at Grundgby practice right now. She probably didn't get Eda's message" Willow said, putting a gentle hand on my shoulder. Odd I thought, when I came through the portal I swore that it was the Hexside's Grundgby team practicing, but I didn't recognize Amity's purple hair.

"Do you know when the practice is over, I could surprise her after she's done." They all went strangely quiet. "Why don't you just stay here tonight kido" Eda suggested. My shoulders dropped of course I wanted nothing more than to stay here and talk to Eda but Amity... I really wanted to see her again.

"Hey we have our graduation tomorrow, we would love for you to come, and Amity will definitely be there" Willow suggested with a smile. My eyes light up. "I'd love to, that's so exciting you guys are graduating"

"Yeah, too bad you had to leave, then you could have graduated with us" Gus said sadly. "Hey don't worry, I actually have already graduated from my highschool in the human realm." I tried to reassure him.

"Really what was it like?" I could sense his excitement. "Well I could show you pictures, but only if you want" I joked.

Now they all surrounded me on the couch as I swiped through pictures on my phone.

"I didn't know humans had capes" Guys said pointing to the picture of me in my cap and gown. "They aren't capes, though I wish they were that would be much cooler. No, when humans graduate we wear cap and gowns to our ceremonies" I explained. "So is there anything special that you guys do for your graduation?'' I asked, putting down my phone.

"Well we all wear white cloaks, and the pin has our family crests on it" Gus explained to me. "Oh Gus you forgot one of the best parts" Willow took a short breath. I could tell she was very excited. "When a student starts at Hexside a plant starts to grow, and it continues to grow throughout the whole time you're in school."

"Sounds pretty cool," I added letting Willow continue. "So throughout your time in school the better you do the more your plant will grow, so on graduation each student is presented with their flower and they cut it, showing that they are done with school."

"So I would have had one when I started in Hexside?" I asked. Willow nodded. "That's cool... but I bet it's pretty dead by now. Considering I haven't been to Hexside in years" I said chuckling to myself.

Everything would fall into place tomorrow.

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