Taemin x Trans male reader (Shinee)

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You finished top surgery and you are on meds for it and Taemin takes care of you.

Requested by WhatASimp69

Remember everyone, that requests are always open so feel free to give me some :)

I liked writing this because it made me feel valid. And that's what this book is for; to make everyone have a place they feel welcomed and supported in.



"Taemin-! I'm so excited! I'm also really really nervous..but more excited! My chest..will finally be flat!" You exclaimed for the 1000th time since you woke up this morning.

Taemin was driving you to your surgery. He himself was also excited for you.

"And you will be just as handsome with or without a flat chest" Taemin said and you blushed. You still get really shy when he or anyone compliments you.

"Alright, we have arrived"

You looked out the window and there it was. You looked at Taemin and held his hand while smiling.

"Let's do this"


"No complications, everything is good. He will have swelling for a while, but that's normal. There will be scars, so make sure to keep them covered" the doctor told Taemin.

You kept looking at yourself in the mirror. You were emotional, and every happy. So much stress, and anxiety have disappeared.

Taemin appeared at your side and looked you at.

"So handsome.." he said and pecked a kiss on your forehead.

"Its gone..nothing is there..its flat now" you started to sob at the realization that you don't have brests no more.

Taemin wiped your tears away.

"C'mon, let's go home" and he took your hand as you both went back home.


It's been 1 day since the surgery and you are recovering well. The swelling has gone down, and you haven't needed to take any pain meds. On the other hand, you are still in shock from having breasts, to none. Even though it makes you really happy that they aren't there no more, it feels hella weird not having them.

"Taemin- they are gone" you grinned and again, Taemin smiled at you for the 10000th time today.

"I know my prince. You look so handsome"


You actually feel handsome for once. You no longer have to wear a binder, or sports bras. You can go shirtless in the summer. For once in your life time, you feel like you are finally you.


Day 3

You are becoming whiney. There are things you wanna do but you can't, so you have to constantly get Taemin to help. And the drains! They are hella annoying!

"Taemin-ah! Can I have some juice please?" You ask your boyfriend who is sitting beside you.

"Of course babe. Anything else youd like? Like snacks?"

You shook your head.

"Just juice is fine"

Simple things like this you can't do. Even sitting up sometimes, you need help doing.

Wow even after all of this..Taemin is still staying.

"Well of course I am! You know to much, I'd have to kill you if we'd ever break up" he joked. You blushed a bit, not realizing you said that outloud.

He sat beside you and put the straw near your lips to drink. You pulled away and he put the cup down.

"Thank you, for everything" you tell him, feeling genuinely grateful. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, and I definitely wouldn't of started T and have surgery. You and the other members are more of a family to me then my actual family"

"Just because you have the same blood line and share DNA with them, doesn't mean they are your family. You don't owe them anything. If they can't accept you for your true being, then you will find others who will"

You smiled at his comforting words.

"I love you"


It's been about 10 days since you've gotten top surgery and today, you are able to get the drains taken out.

"Thank god. These damn things were annoying" you said as Taemin drove.

"Maybe. But in the end, after all of this, it will be woth it"

You smiled and agreed with him.

A bit later, you reached the doctors office and went inside.

"Oh hello y/n! Just in time too! The doctor will see you now"

You went into the room and sat on the chair. Taemin held your hand, knowing you were getting a bit anxious.


"Everything is all good. Make sure to keep away still from lifting and moving your arms up 90⁰. Other then that, we'll see you at the next appointment.

You grinned as you and Taemin left.

No more drains.

"I can't believe it..we are one step closer"

You stopped the two of you from walking and kissed him.

"I love you Taemin"

"I love you too y/n"


It is official. Today is the day you get your stitches out. And no more appointments. Well, not for a few months anyways.

"Alright, please take your shirt off so we can get started" the doctor said. So Taemin helped you take off your shirt and held onto your hand.

"Now, this may hurt a little bit." The doctor warned and took the stitches out. "Good job, everything seems to be looking good. The scarring will be there for a long time, but it should heal up. If you notice anything strange or if you are in pain please call and we will see what's causing it."

"Thank you" you said as Taemin put your shirt back on.

"I would still be careful with lifting right now. Gradually start lifting things, nothing to heavy to start off" he laughed and you chuckled as well.

"Well thanks again. I'll you in a bit"


"We did it Taemin!"

"We did it"

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