Corbyn x trans male reader

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⚠️Warning: transphobic comments⚠️


You laid on the bed crying. You felt horrible. Even with a chest binder on, you still didn't think you appeared flat enough.

Your hair is growing, which you hate. Cory said he'd get someone to cut your hair (and colour it as well), but you refused as you felt like a burden.

Even though you told your parents, they still don't use the right pronouns and call you by your dead name.

But then..there is Cory. He is your biggest supporter; he is always by your side. He gives you his big hoodies to wear. It helps you to appear flatter (and it smells like him which is a bonus as it feels like you are still with him while he is working). He never ever calls you by your dead name and he corrects people when they use your wrong pronouns.

But today, dysphoria is bad. What made it worse, you got fired by your job (that also knew your deadname). Only a few coworkers (now excoworkers) used the right name and pronouns.

In a way, you felt releaved as you wouldn't have to go back there no more. But then you realize that the job paid you and now you're not. The stress of money and needing to pay bills is tiring you out. Looking for a job is hard because the town you live in is small, which means there isn't a lot of work. You haven't gotten your driver's license and there is no buses or trains for transportation.The tires on your bike flattened and walking isn't the best idea as it is very exhausting, especially carrying bag of groceries. The only way to get around is by taxi which is again, more money.

Cory said he'd drive you, bloody hell he even offered to buy your groceries. You always declined, once again feeling like a burden.

You love Cory, he knows that. He knows that you being transgender, life is difficult. You've known him since you were kids. He helped you threw the bullying at school, the abuse by your parents. You are thankful for him. But your anxiety gets in the way and you push him away. He is okay with that. He knows you don't mean anything by it. Eventually you let him in again and he holds you and comforts you.

Today though, was different. Cory uploaded a photo of him and Mike, and the caption said "would've been fun with you here. I'll be home soon xx"

Normally, fans are always supportive of you being transgender, and dating Cory who came out as bisexual.

Today, a comment stood out.

Corbyn-28-fan : cory your girlfriend is ugly

You saw it. It suck out like a red thumb. Fans were commenting, defending you. But it still stuck to your mind.


One after another, more hateful comments became a thing you saw every half hour. You checked the notification ding, you see someone commented on your profile, you click it, you read it, and wish you didnt.

Other fans have stopped defending you, as antis were starting to grow and become stronger.

Corbyn-28-fan : you mustn't love yourself. God made you a girl. Why are you changing his creation he made for you?

The comments starting getting nastier. They all effected you.


You put your phone down and cried harder. This is when you wished Cory wasn't working. Even though he loves what he does (and you support him) you wish that sometimes he can just be here with you.


You heard Cory yell for you. He wasnt suppose to be here..Not for another 3 days. You cried harder, shaking and breathing heavily, clearly showing you are upset. Cory heard you crying and instantly ran up to your room and held you close to him. He rocked you and played with your hair. He done everything he knew you liked to calm you down, which worked.

"You're here early." You said, and fiddles with his fingers, happily that he is now here.

"I know. I wanted to surprise you." Cory said, and kissed your cheek. "I got you something, by the way."

Cory got up and reached in one of his bags he threw on the floor and pulled out an envelope and handed it to you.

"I also couldn't wait any longer to give you this."

You took at, and eyed at hom and the envelope.

"Open it" he said and sat down beside you on the bed, as you began to open it.

It was a ricete for a  subcutaneous mastectomy (top surgery).

Your eyes began to water and you looked up at Cory.

"Are you serious?" I said and Cory just smiled and nodded.

"In 3 days?" Cory chuckled and nodded his head again.

You began to cry, this time from happiness and hugged Cory.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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