Lucas x Winwin (WayV)

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Winwin! Centric

Kinda angst, fluff, relationship

Requested by winwinsninja

Ps. I'm sorry if this was confusing. The beginning part is Winwin's side, and the next is Lucas's.


Winwin stared at his boyfriend who was playing video games with Hendery. He couldn't make out what they were saying, but he wished he could just take Lucas away and cuddle.

His stomach flipped when he saw Lucas give Hendery hug. We walked away and went into his room.


"He's still there isn't here?" Lucas whispered paying attention to the game he was playing with Hendery. They were taking turns to see who would get the highest score.

Hendery looked with the corner of his eye, trying to not make it obvious that he was gonna stare at Winwin, who was trying to hide behind the wall from spying.

"Yeah" Hendery replied and looked at the chips and grabbed a few and ate them.

"Hey don't eat them all!" Lucas laughed.

"He left."

Lucas paused the game and went back on his phone.

"So you will help order the flowers right?" Lucas asked and the other nodded.

"What about a string of lights? I think that would be nice." Hendery commented and Lucas nodded agreeing, and added that on his list.


Next was when Lucas came home a bit later then usual with Yangyang. Winwin was laying down on the bed, as he heard the 2 members talk. He couldn't hear what they were saying, but he knew it was them.


"So those are his favorite restaurants?" Yangyang asked Lucas.

"Yeah. Which one should I order from? All? Or should I try to make the food myself?" Lucas rambled.

"You can't cook! It ends up all burnt. Maybe order a little bit of food from every restaurant. It is your 3 year anniversary after all."

Lucas smiled. He was happy his friends are helping.


Winwin forgot his jacket at the studio, so he went back to get it.

But then he saw his boyfriend Lucas with Ten. They were in the studio together. Winwin had no idea what they were doing. It looked like to him Ten was drawing, or writing on paper with a pen, while Lucas was smiling and telling Ten whatever it was.

It is official. Winwin was jealous. He missed spending time with his boyfriend. He he doesn't want to be that jealous and clingy boyfriend type. So he walked back to the dorm, leaving his jacket there.


"How about something like this?" Ten asked, and showed Lucas a horrible drawing, making him laugh.

"What the hell is that?" Lucas asked, making the other pout.

"Its suppose to be a walkway with the string of lights. And at the end is a picnic blanket when you guys will eat."

"You should've just said that! Your drawing looks like a cat!"

Ten looked at picture and raised his eyebrows.

"I thought it was good."


Winwin was with Yangyang. They were eating some snacks in the kitchen, just talking randomly about different things.

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