Jin x Jungkook (BTS)

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Sad at the beginning, but more fluff in the middle and end (well, kinda, just read it and you'll understand(I think)

*ps. This idea is from my girlfriend Nicky so go give her props* Nickyxxxxx


It was raining. Seokjin heard the pit patter of the rain hitting the roof and the windows. He smiled and looked outside.


Jin loves to watch the rain form puddles on the concrete and see the split splatter.

He looked at the time and sighed.

Time to go to work.

Sadly, his car was in the repair shop. So that means he has to walk. He woke up earlier as well because he knew he had to walk which takes longer.

He put on his coat and grabbed his umbrella. No need to a lunch as his boss in the cafe gives him free food (for every worker).

Jin opened his umbrella when he went outside and locked the door.

While he was walking, there was a young boy (who couldn't be much older then him) was standing there in the rain in a t shirt and jeans.

He's soaking. Poor guy, he must be so cold.

Knowing he'd be late on schedule if he helped the boy, but he did anyway.

Seokjin walked to him and covered him under the umbrella. He noticed how bad he was shaking.

"Come with me. I'll take you to somewhere warm." Jun said and took off his jacket and put it on the male.

The youngest looked up, dark circles around his eyes and face sunken in.

"Sir..this is your jacket..not mine."

Seokjin looked at him after zipping up the jacket and put his hand on the males forehead.

"You're burning up. How long have you been outside in the rain?" Jin asked.

The male looked at the ground.

"3 months..My parents kicked me out."

Seokjin's heart cracked.

"Well, now you're staying with me. Let's go."

The male was tired, and didn't feel like fighting. The older seemed nice, he felt like he could trust him.

Jin held the boy close to him, making sure the umbrella more more under the younger.

"I'm Seokjin, but my friends call me Jin."

"I'm Jungkook"

They were silent after that. Jungkook being shy and tired, didn't know what to say to the older. And Jin..he had to so much to ask. But he didn't want to offend Jungkook.


Once they reached the house, Jij opened the door and helped Jungkook to his room. He laid the younger on the bed, who was starting to doze off while he searched for something for him to wear.

He found one Jimin's old  clothes his friend lost years ago. The clothes seemed to be almost the same size as Jungkook.

"Here is some new clothes. Please change into them while I go make you soup."

Jungkook opened his eyes and nodded. Seokjin left the room and closed the door.


"Namjoon, I can't come in today."

"Why not? Everything okay?"

"I was walking to work and there was this boy. You should've seen him Joon..he was freezing and it looks like he hasn't ate in years."

"Wow..do you need me to get some medicine or anything? He must have a fever."

"No thanks, I got some here"

"Alright well, take care of him, I'll have the others stay a bit later to help fill in. It sounds he needs help, so Jin, do what you're best at and help."

"Thanks for understanding Joon"

"No problem, bye"


While the soup started to cook, Jin grabbed the fever reducers and went to his room. He mentally awed at how small Jungkook looked in his big queen size bed. But what scared him was how small the younger looked in Jimin's clothes. Jimin was small enough, and seeing this made the elder worry more.

"I got you some medicine and some water."

Jungkook took the pills Seokjin handed him.

"Thanks hyung..Well..I think you're my hyung." He rambled and Jin chuckled a bit.

"I'm 27"


Jin frowned. Jungkook is really underweight.

"I am making you some soup. I hope chicken noodle is alright. If not, at least have the broth. You need something in your stomach."

Jungkook nodded.

"Thank you hyung"

"Don't worry. I will feed you and let you stay here"

"But..hyung..I can't stay. I don't have money.."

"Jungkook, I don't care about money. I care about your health which means you are staying here, under this roof and not on the streets! Especially in the rain"

Jungkook fiddled with the bed sheets, not sure what to say. He was speechless that someone is being so nice to him.

"Thank you hyung"

"I'm your hyung, I'm suppose to take care of you. Let me check on the soup now."


Months later, Jungkook started to gain a healthy amount of weight. Within the few months, Jungkook and Jin got to know more about each other. Jungkook felt safe, he never had in a long time. He even met some of Jin's other friends. But Taehyung..is kinda weird.


"Yes kook?"

"I think..I'm ready to tell you why I was out on the streets."

Jin handed Kook a water bottle and they sat together on the dining room table.

"I want to be a singer..but my parents thought I was stupid. They said if I don't take over the store to be a singer instead, I'm no longer welcome in the house and in the family"

Jin's heart shattered. He was close to his family. He could never imagine his parents doing something like that.

"Jungkook, do you still wanna be a singer?"

He nodded.

"Very. Singing is my passion. It's the reason why I never gave up."

Jin smiled.

"You remember Yoongi and Hoseok?"

Jungkook nodded.

"Yoongi runs his own music agency and Hoseok is a dance teacher there for trainees. I'll talk to Yoongs and get you set up. I bet you're a great singer!"

Jungkook blushed and became shy. Seokjin noticed the younger gets shy when he gets compliments.


1 month later, Jungkook has already recorded a few covers of songs and songs Yoongi gave him.

Jungkook couldn't be any happier. He has friends who care about him and support him; he has a family.

And it's all because of the man with the umbrella.

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