BM x J.Seph (KARD) pt. 1

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Little! Matthew (secret)
Caregiver! Taehyung

Mostly angst, little bit of fluff

Requested by Just_Maaike


Matthew Kim had just moved to South Korea, and was frustrated with himself since his Korean isn't that good. He understands it more then talking; he was uncomfortable.

A few times he gotten himself lost, forcing himself to speak Korean to people. He would try sometimes to ask if they knew English though, but most of them didn't.

Neverless, that didn't stop him from signing up to a dance academy in Busan. He was a bit nervous as he knew no one there. But he really wanted to be dancer and rapper. He knew this was gonna be a challenge, but he was up for it.

"안녕하세요!" He said going into the studio. He got a few replies back.

"Do any of you perhaps to knows English?" Matthew asked, as he was feeling a bit left out of the others conversations, as there were many happening.

"I do!" A voice piped up. "I'm Jaehyun, but you can call me Jae!"

"I'm Matthew."

"You're new here, aren't you?" Jae asked and Matthew nodded his head. "I will help you then! No worries! Let's go where we put our stuff. It's to make the studio safer for the dancing."

Matthew followed Jae into another room. It reminded him  of a locker room back at his home town back in LA. The only difference was there was no place to sit or shower, there were only shelves and lockers and hooks.

Matthew found a spot for his bag and took out his water bottle.

"You're gonna need that. The teacher is a bit strict." Jae says as they left the room to go back to the studio.

Another door opened and everyone stood up.

"Stretches first, then warm ups! You know the drill! New comers just follow along!"

Jae translated what the teacher said and Matthew thanked him. Together, everyone done what they were told.


"This is so basic! Learn it  already!" The teacher yelled.

Matthew swallowed. He didn't need Jae to translate as he could tell the teacher is mad.

"You're new." The teacher said, looking at Matthew.

"He can't be that much older then me."

"Pft, you need to practice more too! Youre no good!"

Matthew frowned. He thought he was doing alright, as it was his first class.


The class finished and Matthew was exhausted.

"I told you." Jae says, and they grabbed there bags and started to leave the building.

"Do you wanna get a coffee or something?" Jae asked.

"Nah, I'm exhausted. I'd rather go back to my apartment." Matthew replied.

"See you later then! Text me if you need anything!"

They exchanged numbers and went there separate ways.


When Matthew arrived, he took a shower and changed into one of his Little outfits.

When Matthew arrived, he took a shower and changed into one of his Little outfits

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Matthew has a secret. He is a Little. He loves being Little as it helps him to destress and relax and be carefree. So most of the times, when he is alone by himself, he will slip into his headspace. The problem is, he has no caregiver.

He plopped the paci into his mouth and went to the living room to turn on the tv.

"Ish da Micky mouse cwub house!" He sang along.


It's been about 2 weeks since Matthew joined the academy. He made a few friends, Jae, Jisoo and Somin. They have been practicing together a few times and hanging out after class.

Matthew found out that the teachers name is Taehyung. And he not gonna lie, Taehyung is kinda hot. No Matthew isn't gay, he is bi, and he is proud of it.

"Quite drooling over Taehyung!" Jae says. "Drool over me" he joked.

"Yah! Nobody gonna do that!" Somin says making Jae pout.

"Alright let's start! Matthew, I hope you're dancing better now!" Taeyung says, making the male frown.

"Am I not good?"


"Damn. What crawled up his ass today?" Jae huffed out.

"A cactus." Someone else replied.

Matthew, on the other hand, was upset. Taehyung was harsh on him today and only him.

"You okay?" Jiwoo asked once they all met outside the building.

"I'm fine. I'm gonna head off to my apartment. See ya later." Matthew said, leaving the 3 of them a bit confused, but more concerned.


Matthew cried holding onto his Ryan plush.

"Ish Matty bad Wyan?" He asked the plush.

His phone beeped and he looked at it. It was Jiwoo.

Hey, are you okay? You seemed upset
Don't let Taehyung get to you. He does that with all newcomers
Claims he wants them to be prepared for real life
But still, its suppose to be a safe place for everyone to have fun. It shouldn't matter how good of a dancer you are, as the academy is suppose to help with that

Matty okay

Awe, you're speaking in third person. Cute
Matthew, are you a little? It's okay if you are! I'm a switch, and Somin is my caregiver for when I am Little

Yes Matty Little
Matty not bad?

Of course not little one!
You're really good!

But Korean
Not gud

And that's okay! Korean is hard. We can help you alright?

Come over?

You want me to come over?

Yes! Jus you pwease

Alright, I'll be there soon little one


A few days later, Somin and Jae knew Matthew was a little and bisexual. They have no problem with it as Jae is also bisexual and the girls are pansexual.

They all have grown closer to each other, and Matthew couldn't be any happier to finally have friends. They have also helped him with his Korean, and he likes to think since he arrived in Korea, his Korean has improved a lot. They also practice dancing and they have been having fun.

Idk how to end part 1, so I'm just gonna leave it there.

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