Unofficialboyy x Reader

213 6 3

Fluff (okay well, I put a bit of angst in at the beginning but the rest is fluff)

Requested by: BunnySurin


You have been together with Surin for a few months now. Nobody has questioned anything about two. You were inseparable. You've been childhood friends and now living together as roommates. It was you who confessed feelings first, and you were shocked when Surin felt the same.

So when you guys held hands out in public or in the studio, nobody questioned it. You were both quite touchy with each other, so it was normal.

When you came out bi, of course people supported you. But of course, some didn't.

And some still dont. You still get slurs thrown at you. And most of the time it never bothered you. But today, it was different.

You were in the park wearing your favorite pink bucket hat. Surin bought it for you, and you worn it ever since then when it's nice out. You were waiting for him to come back with ice cream.

"Why are you wearing that huh?"

Your hat got taken off, making the wind hit your head and hair fly around a little.

"Looks bad on you"

You looked at the person who was smirking, and taller then you. He had a death grip on your hat.

"Give it back" you said. You reached for it, and he extended his arm making you jump to reach.

"Okay sure. Yeah sorry" the guy said, and threw it in the garage bun.

"Fetch" he and his friend laughed.

"No, you fetch" Surin said. And you mentally sighed, happy he came back.

"Oh- and you are?" The friend asked.

"Better then you. C'mon y/n, let's go get you a new hat" Surin said.

You both walked away as he held your hand. You could tell he was mad and upset.

"I'm sorry" you said. And then you both stopped and he looked at you directly in your eyes.

"Baby, you done nothing wrong. You're a great person, they arent. And karma will get them back." He pecked your lips and you both began walking again.


As he promised, he did buy you another hat. And another ice cream since the dropped the first ones when he say the guys take your hat.

"You know, this new hat looks better on you! The pink is lighter and the purple butterflies, CUTE" Surin rambled on, making you smile. Truth be told, you do like the new hat more. It was more of a pastel pink, rather then a light pink of the other hat.

"Surin?" You asked.

"Yes? Are you alright?" The concern in his voice made you smile, and your tummy filled with warmth.

"Um.." you got nervous. You have never said these words before. Well, you have, but now it's a different way of meaning.

"What is is my love?" He asked, staring into your eyes while holding your hands. Your heart fluttered. You are happy.

"I love you Surin" you said. He smiled and pecked your lips.

"I love you too y/n"

You kissed him and he kissed back.

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