Minho x Taemin (Shinee)

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Little! Taemin
Caregiver! Minho



Minho woke around 8:20 in the morning. He looked at his boyfriend Taemin, wondering if he will wake up in Littlespace today as they have a day off.

The elder quietly got out of bed, letting the younger sleep. He walked to the kitchen and started to make pancakes (which chocolate chips of course), knowing it was one of Taemin's favourites.

About 10 minutes later, Taemin woke up and sat up, grabbing his bunny plushie and blue pacifier on the little table beside the bed. He plopped his paci in his mouth and jumped off the bed. Holding his bunny close, he ran to the kitchen smelling pancakes.

"Pancakes!" The little exclaimed excitedly.

"Shhh baby, quiet voice please. Jinki and Kibum are still sleeping." Minho said, and kissed his baby on the cheek.

"Nope, just Kibum." Jinki said and picked up Taemin who squealed from excitement and got spun around.

"Let's go watch some cartoons while your daddy cooks yeah?"

Taemin nods his head and Jinki carried him to the livingroom, putting on cartoons.

About 20 minutes later, all the pancakes were done.

"Pancake! Pancake! Pancake!" Taemin cheered as he climbed on the chair and sat like a big boy.

Minho put one pancake on a Mickey Mouse themed plate and cut it up in pieces. He also cut up some fruit on the side.

He placed the plate in front of Taemin who reached with his fingers for the pancake.

"Nuh huh baby, wait. You need a spoon and syrup first."

Minho put a bit of syrup on he pancakes and gave Taemin his spoon (because he would stab his fingers and mouth) and he started eating.

The other 2 ate as well, occasionally having to wipe Taemin's mouth and hands to help prevent them from getting to sticky or the boy would whine.

By the time they finished, it was now 9:30am.

"Baby do you want a bath now or after dinner?" Minho asked.

Taemin sat thinking about it, while his caregiver wiped his mouth and hands with a wet cloth.

"Later!" Taemin exclaimed and ran into the living room to watch cartoons again.

Minho and Jinki cleaned the dishes, and left out some pancakes for the last member to wake up.

Minho went to Taemin and started to tickle his side, making the little laugh.

"Time to brush our teeth and get dressed baby."

Taemin grinned, and ran to his bedroom to chose out his clothes. But Kibum was awake and hugged Taemin and gave the boy raspberries on his neck.

"Mornin Bummie!" Taemin exclaimed and giggled.

"Good morning little one!" Kibum said, and put the little down, and he ran to his room.

"Pancakes are out for you if you'd like." Minho said and Kibum smiled.

"Thank you."

Minho walked into Taemin's room and saw him putting on a hoodie that belonged to Jonghyun. It was one of Taemin's favourites, he could never part ways with it. It held good memories and made everyone happy.

"Need help baby?" Minho asked,  chuckling as the little couldn't find the hole for his head.

"Yes please dada." Taemin said, and Minho helped put the hoodie on him.

After they were both dressed and brushed there teeth, Taemin decided it was time to watch more cartoons.


It was now lunch time. Taemin wanted fries. So they went all together to McDonalds. Taemin ordered a happy meal as well as Jinki (who doesn't love a happy meal?) and gave the toy to Taemin to have. Minho got a hamburger, and Kibum got chicken nuggets.


They finished the meal and Taemin was full of energy.

"Daddy can we go to the park?" Taemin asked.

Minho looked at the other 2  members, if they were okay with that. They nodded.

"Sure baby."


After an hour at the park, Taemin was tired.

"Alright baby, let's go back home and you can nap."


On the ride home, Taemin fell asleep, and Minho carried him back inside.

"He's such a good little." Kibum said.

"He is." Minho said.

"Even though we aren't his caregivers, he still listens to us, which is amazing." Jinki ranted, and the other 2 nodded.

Minho kissed Taemin's cheek and closed the door, letting the little sleep.


2 hours later the little woke up and ran out of his room.


"Yeah baby?" Minho asked, looking up from his phone to look at the little.

"Nom noms!"

"Jinki is in the kitchen baby. Ask him for an apple okay?"

And that's what Taemin did. He ran to Jinki.

"Taemin have apple hyungie?" Taemin asked.

"Of course you can!" He said, and pit down his own apple that he was eating and cut up a new one for the little. He wondered if the little slipped a bit deeper, as that he noticed Taemin started talking in third person.

He sat Taemin on his lap and the both of them at the apples together.


Jinki and Kibum were making dinner, while Taemin and Minho  were colouring on the floor.

Taemin was colouring Nemo and Minho Dory.

"Alright, dinner is ready." Kibum said.

"Din din!" Taemin exclaimed and ran to the kitchen.

He sat on Minho's lap as they all ate dinner.


After dinner is when everyone starts winding down. So Minho decided to give Taemin a bath now.

"What scented bubbles do you want baby?" Minho asked Taemin, as he gathered the littles pjs for him to wear.

"Taemin want stwawbewwy!" He exclaimed.

And that's what he got. Minho was very careful while batheing the little, as he notice he slipped deeper then this afternoon.

After the bath was done, and the pjs on the little, it was movie time.

Everyone gathered in the living room and the little chose out Lilo and Stitch.

About halfway in, Taemin fell asleep, and Minho carried him to bed.

"We should all sleep, we have practice tomorrow." Kibum said, making everyone agree.

They went there separat ways into the bedrooms and fell asleep.

Minho held his baby close.

"Ni ni daddy."

"Night baby boy."

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